Mideast Princess Journal
N.D. Author Services
(CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, Feb. 7, 2017)
2.4x the length of our notebooks for only 1.5x their price!!! [View other cover designs by searching the Series Title.] There is nothing like the feel of pen/pencil on paper for your thoughts, dreams, experiences, and life events recorded in the moment. Use this blank book for a diary, journal, field notes, travel logs, etc. Yes, it is designed for any of these needs and more. 365+ pgs. with 60% gray lines for writing guides. Also includes: blank field title page to fill in 6-page blank table of contents blank headers to fill in by the page fully page numbered main matter HIGH GLOSS FINISH for extra protection on the go See other cover design series available from "N.D. Author Services" [NDAS] in its 600, 365 and 150 page Mega-Journals, Journals, Notebooks, Grid-Notebooks, Blank Books, etc. N.D. Author Services [NDAS] specializes in all publications needs for independent authors and other self-publishers, groups, businesses, corporations, and government divisions. As of 2017, it has served clients in 31 countries through direct consulting. (www.NDAuthorServices.com)