Mennonite Girls Can Cook
Lovella Schellenberg
(Herald Press, April 15, 2011)
<p><b><A href="">Mennonite Girls Can Cook</A></b> is a blog about recipes, hospitality, relationships, encouragement and helping the hungry—and now it’s a book, too!</p><p>Like the blog, <i>Mennonite Girls Can Cook</i>—the book—is about more than just recipes. It’s about hospitality, versus entertaining; about blessing, versus impressing. It’s about taking God’s Bounty and co-creating the goodness from God’s creation into something that can bless family and friends, and help sustain health and energy.</p><p>“No matter which way you look at it, wonderful things happen when people are given the opportunity to gather around the table—a chance to nurture and build relationships, fellowship and encourage one another and create a place of refuge for those who have had a stressful day.”—Charlotte Penner, <i>Mennonite Girls Can Cook</i></p>