McAlister's Spark
Richard Marman
(Ocean Reeve Publishing, April 30, 2019)
What happens when a Vietnam War veteran chopper pilot puts pen to paper after retirement? Imagine the adventures and escapes a young RAAF pilot could, get up to in war-torn Southeast Asia and New Guinea. Just think of a volatile cocktail including the late Robin William’s "Good Morning Vietnam", Mel Gibson and Robert Downey jnr’s "Air America", Eagle comics "Luck of the Legion" and "Apocalypse Now", injected with Richard Marman’s own experience serving with the RAAF in Vietnam and New Guinea - and the result is The McAlister Line! So travel back to a time in quite recent history when so many young people were thrust into conflicts of the politicians’ making just as they are today. And like young men and women everywhere, when put into extraordinary circumstances, the adventures and escapes too, are extraordinary.As an ex-military chopper and heavy transport pilot who has visited many of the locations forming The McAlister Line backdrops, Marman knows what he is talking about. In an instant, all energy supplies in the developed world is destroyed and plunged into anarchy. Can Zach McAlister, Karen Davenport and Mike Farrow survive as they’re thrust into a feral and deadly new order?Not only must they come to terms with their Stone Age environment and the use of only Medieval technology, but also face the terror of marauding tribal gangs, whose only method of survival is violence and conquest. Will they be able to forge a future themselves and their descendants? The question can only be answered through their courage, determination and friendship. But, is that enough? ---------------------Set in Australia, this is the second in the McAlister series and is a meeting and merging of Schute’s “On the Beach” and “Mad Max” aimed especially at the YA audience. Action and adventure abounds which keeps you turning the pages, it is a thrilling and entertaining read for teenagers and young adults.