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Books with title Mail Order Bride: Anna's Destiny: Faith Creek Brides, Book 4

  • Mail Order Bride: Rose's Destiny: Faith Creek Brides, Book 19

    Karla Gracey, Alan Taylor, KG Publishing House

    Audiobook (KG Publishing House, March 7, 2018)
    Rose Unwin married young, and learned to regret her choice. But, she was still heartbroken when her husband died in a tragic accident. Unwilling to make the same mistakes again, she decides to take her time this time around, but how will she know if she has made the right choice? Andrew Davey finds himself at a crossroads. His employer, mentor, and friend has passed away, making his future in Faith Creek tenuous at best. But, nonetheless he agrees to help a friend to locate the heir to Mortimer Welsh's estate. Little does he know that his entire life is about to be turned upside down as old truths surface and new connections seemed doomed before they have even begun.
  • Mail Order Bride: Anna's Destiny: Faith Creek Brides, Book 4

    Karla Gracey, Alan Taylor, KG Publishing House

    Audiobook (KG Publishing House, Aug. 31, 2017)
    Clean and wholesome historical western inspirational romance. Anna Hatzidakis has come a long way and suddenly finds herself alone in a land where she has nobody but her young son Taki to care for her. Tragically widowed within weeks of her arrival in America from her homeland in Greece, she is struggling to make ends meet and make a life for her and her boy. But, by chance, she finds a solution, and prays that a new husband will be the answer to her prayers. But will she let go of her guilt and give herself permission to love again having lost her beloved Costa? Will Ryan is a busy man. He has a farm that he has finally managed to get in good heart and is one of the town deputies. He is gentle and the kind of man who can always be relied upon to help anyone in trouble. When Anna responds to his advertisement for a bride, he knows he must help her - even if it costs him the chance to love again. He prays that if he can make this sweet woman's life better that he will finally achieve redemption from his own past. But can he really ever forget and forgive himself for what happened to Alice?
  • Mail Order Bride: Marietta's Destiny: Faith Creek Brides, Book 5

    Karla Gracey, Alan Taylor, KG Publishing House

    Audiobook (KG Publishing House, Sept. 12, 2017)
    Clean and wholesome historical western inspirational romance. Ambassador's daughter Marietta Winthrop has given up her own prospects of marriage and family to be a companion to her melancholic aunt. She secretly longs for adventure and the love of a man who won't try and change her but knows she is hoping for too much. She knows that all the men of her acquaintance would banish poor Aunt Clara to a sanatorium and she will not let that happen. But keen of mind, and inspired by a special day spent at the botanic gardens, Marietta begins to wonder if there just might be more to life after all. Byron Hempthwaite is a disappointment - to his own parents, at least. But he has never let it stop him from following his passions. A highly respected lepidopterist, he has found success and contentment, but he longs to find love, too. But, just as he thinks he may have found such joy, a family tragedy tears him away to Faith Creek, Texas. But, being so useless, he forgot to ask the love of his life for her hand in marriage before he left. He knows she is pretty and clever, witty and delightful, and why should she wait for him? Will he be too late to win the woman he loves back?
  • Mail Order Bride - Clara's Destiny: Faith Creek Brides, Book 7

    Karla Gracey, Alan Taylor, KG Publishing House

    Audiobook (KG Publishing House, Oct. 18, 2017)
    Clara Warburton is strong willed and determined that being female should not hold her back. As a student at Stanford, she wishes she could continue to enjoy the freedoms she has found there. But Society frowns upon clever and ambitious women, and her Papa is determined she will now learn her place. But Clara is not the kind of girl to take ultimatums lying down and so sets a course of her own making. But will it all end well? Has she finally been too clever for her own happiness? William Gilbert has travelled far and wide as an itinerant preacher and academic, but has finally found a place to call home. When asked to take up the role of minister in Faith Creek's newly built church he didn't hesitate to say yes. He's seen many of the townsfolk find the love of their life, and wants to be the one facing the altar for a change, but will he get everything he dreams of?
  • Maeve's Destiny: Faith Creek Brides, Book 8

    Karla Gracey, Alan Taylor, KG Publishing House

    Audiobook (KG Publishing House, Oct. 20, 2017)
    Clean and wholesome historical western inspirational romance. Maeve Fitzpatrick has always been brave. Moving from Ireland to America was just a big adventure to her, but the reality has turned out to be so much less than she imagined. Living in grey and dreary Pittsburgh is hardly her dream come true! But she is not one to ever give up on herself - or her goals - and so she places an advertisement to find herself a husband, eager for the opportunity that another change of scenery might bring. But there are obstacles to face that she has never considered, obstacles she cannot change alone. Jesse Fountain has a great job working for a man he admires and respects, and, after many years of wandering, has finally found the place he wants to call home. Faith Creek has welcomed him with open arms, and he has found well enough that he wants to build his own home and fill the rooms with a wife and children. But his past is always lurking, always threatening to resurface. Will he ever allow himself to take the biggest risk of all? To leave it all behind him and allow himself to love and be loved?
  • Mail Order Bride - Sarah's Destiny: Faith Creek Brides, Book 9

    Karla Gracey, Alan Taylor, KG Publishing House

    Audiobook (KG Publishing House, Nov. 10, 2017)
    Sarah Clinton has lived in Faith Creek her entire life. Her family were among the very first people to arrive and settle in the then wild and untamed land. Quiet and shy, she finds her place working for Maeve Fountain and begins to wish she had the feisty woman's determination and spirit. Taking her destiny in her own hands, she responds to an advertisement, hoping to find the happiness so many around her in Faith Creek have done, but can she trust that he truly wants her and not her effervescent and amiable employer? Wilbur Franklin has always wanted a simple life. As a Montana banking clerk he can understand what draws people to up sticks and change everything in their lives, but has always felt he lacked the courage to do something so drastic, so brave, so reckless himself. But a friendship made as he tried to find himself a bride leads him to do just that. But, will his gamble pay off?
  • Mail Order Bride - Susanna's Destiny: Faith Creek Brides, Book 10

    Karla Gracey, Alan Taylor, KG Publishing House

    Audiobook (KG Publishing House, Nov. 20, 2017)
    Susanna Greyshott's family were once wealthy and well-to-do, but they have fallen upon hard times, and she and her Mama have been forced to make changes and do the best they can under the circumstances. But it has made Susanna hard as flint, unwilling to forgive and even less willing to open her heart. She is quite prepared to move to Texas, where she believes she may finally be able to build a life for her and her Mama where they are beholden to no-one, but a face from her past could ruin it all. Can she truly let herself accept all the benefits and happiness that Faith Creek longs to offer? Will she learn to forgive and accept the love that has always been all around her? Dr. Nathaniel Baron has been Faith Creek's only physician for some time, but as more and more people arrive and make their homes there he knows he will have to expand the practice. But searching for suitable doctors and nurses who actually wish to make a new start in the wilds of Texas isn't that easy - especially when you secretly wish to find a bride and haven't even let yourself know it yet!
  • Mail Order Bride - Georgina's Destiny: Faith Creek Brides, Book 15

    Karla Gracey, Alan Taylor, KG Publishing House

    Audiobook (KG Publishing House, Jan. 25, 2018)
    Georgina Fey is expecting a child, but has been left a widow by the tragic death of her husband. But she finds herself at war with his family. Her brother missing, she has nobody to turn to, until she remembers an old friend of her brother's. Being desperate, she writes to him, begging for his help, but she does not ever expect him to offer her sanctuary. His warm heart and gentle ways leave her torn between guilt and affection. Joshua Rawlinson is not ready for marriage, but when the sister of an old friend asks for help, he doesn't hesitate to step in and offer her the safe haven she needs. But, will his generosity of spirit leave him enmeshed in troubles not his own? Will he truly be happy if he does whatever is needed to help her?
  • Mail Order Bride - Belinda's Destiny: Faith Creek Brides, Book 14

    Karla Gracey, Alan Taylor, KG Publishing House

    Audiobook (KG Publishing House, Jan. 17, 2018)
    Belinda Weatherhead has secretly loved Thomas Rawlinson her entire life. Tortured by seeing him every day, the easy friendship he shares with her brother makes him off-limits. So when he leaves town unexpectedly, Belinda decides that it is time she got over him and found herself a man who can see her as she really is. Thomas Rawlinson has always been restless. He longs to get away from the confines of his ranching family, knowing he simply doesn't fit in there. But a year in Philadelphia has him missing the family he loves, and he longs to find a way to return, and to somehow save face whilst doing so. Finding an advertisement in the newspaper, he replies, not knowing how much it will change his life. But, will he like what he finds when he finally meets his mystery woman, or will there be another surprise he simply wasn't expecting?
  • Mail Order Bride - Prudence's Destiny: Faith Creek Brides, Book 12

    Karla Gracey, Alan Taylor, KG Publishing House

    Audiobook (KG Publishing House, Dec. 20, 2017)
    Prudence Wimbourne is a ballet dancer, but a terrible accident ends her career abruptly. Now all her hard work and the sacrifices made by her and her family feel as though they have been for nothing. She longs to escape, and to find a new life with a man who understands how hard it is for her to leave everything behind. Matthew Carrington longs to find a place he might call home. Tired of never having a home and travelling from town to town as a member of a travelling troupe of actors he has saved his earnings, but never knew what to do with them until he meets some of the townsfolk of Faith Creek and knows he could make a life there. But as he builds his own theater, he realizes that there is still something missing.
  • Mail Order Bride - Frances's Destiny: Faith Creek Brides, Book 11

    Karla Gracey, Alan Taylor, KG Publishing House

    Audiobook (KG Publishing House, Dec. 4, 2017)
    Frances Harman has spent a lifetime living out of suitcases, a staunch supporter of her papa as he builds an empire as a hotelier. A quiet soul, happiest when out of sight, left alone to pursue her own interests and happiness, she has never felt the lack of companions or excitement in her life. Yet, since his remarriage, she has been forced into a new world, one of parties and balls and afternoon promenades, and has found herself overshadowed by her beautiful stepsister, Maria, in every way. But in a moment of uncharacteristic bravado, she responds to a matrimonial advertisement in the newspaper. The life of a debutante is not for her, but why should she not search out a life that might suit her better? Dr Marlon Carter has not been in Faith Creek long and for a time rather thought himself in love with his partner's delightful bride, Susanna. But his desire for his own wife and family has begun to play upon his mind. A town doctor should have a wife, after all. But can he reconcile the actions and troubles of his past and allow himself to enjoy the love and affection that could be his for the taking?
  • Mail Order Bride - Lisette's Destiny: Faith Creek Brides, Book 13

    Karla Gracey, Alan Taylor, KG Publishing House

    Audiobook (KG Publishing House, Dec. 28, 2017)
    Lisette Gibbons has courage and steel. Having made the dangerous crossing from England to New York as a girl, losing her beloved Mammy, and keeping house for her often absent Dadda, she has few friends to turn to when trouble strikes. She reaches out of her small world to find that there are many people who are glad to help, but she fears them learning her dark secret. Merle Shipley loves his life. He enjoys running the town's busy postal office and has big ambitions for it. But he feels something may be missing. Watching so many of his friends find love has made him think about building a family, now his business is doing so well. But will his generous heart make him lose out when he offers sanctuary to a woman he has never even met?