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Books with title Maddy alone

  • Maddy Alone

    Pamela Brown

    Paperback (Longwater Books, Nov. 1, 2007)
  • Maddy Alone

    Pamela Brown

    Hardcover (Thomas Nelson & Sons, March 15, 1946)
  • Maddy alone

    Pamela Brown

    Hardcover (Nelson, March 15, 1945)
    Maddy Alone
  • Maddy Alone

    P. Brown

    Hardcover (Thomas Nelson and Son, March 15, 1948)
  • Maddy Alone

    Pamela Brown

    Hardcover (Hutchinson, Feb. 14, 1972)
  • Man Alone

    Don Berry

    language (, Nov. 7, 2019)
    Famous and Classic Science Fiction NovelThe ship went out safely, came backsafely. The pilot was unaware of anythingwrong. Somewhere in the depths of his brainwas locked the secret that made him

    DON BERRY, Rohit K.

    (, Oct. 30, 2019)
    Phoenix I belled out smoothly in the region of a G-type star. There was a brightflare as a few random hydrogen atoms were destroyed by the ship's suddenappearance. One moment space had been empty except for the few driftingatoms, and the next—the ship was there, squat and ugly.Inside, a bell chimed sweetly, signalling the return to a universe of mass andgravitation and a limiting velocity called C. Colonel Richard Harkins glancedbriefly out his forward port, and saw no more than he had expected to see.At this distance the G-type star was no brighter or yellower than many anotherhe had seen. For a man it might have been hard to tell which star it was. But theship knew.
  • Maddy alone

    Pamela BROWN

    Hardcover (Nelson, March 15, 1951)
  • Maddy Alone

    Pamela Brown

    Hardcover (Thomas Nelson And Sons Ltd, March 15, 1949)
  • Maddy Alone

    Pamela Brown

    Hardcover (Thomas Nelson & Sons, March 15, 1954)
  • Maddy Alone

    Pamela Brown

    Paperback (Thomas Nelson & Sons Ltd, March 15, 1959)