Luke Coles and the Curse of Corpo Seco
Josh Walker, Paul Tuttle, Joshua Tuttle, Grace Bowman-Tuttle, Chalet Findlay, Marco Palou, Alan Ashley, Sean Justice, Amberle Palou, Delorese Mull, Lou M Murray, Jordan Chernogoric, Sebastian Stone Holcom, Lenis Alvarado, John Mahaffy, Sam Tuttle, Forgotten Places Publishing, LLC
(Forgotten Places Publishing, LLC, June 18, 2019)
Luke and Flor reunite with the rest of the Caleuche's crew, and they prepare to enter Righteous Province's lair, an elaborate maze of shifting tunnels and traps. They know they will face invunches and voladoras within the cave. And they must overcome one of their greatest enemies, Corpo Seco - the man so evil that hell spat him back out. Full cast of narrators includes Joshua Calbick, Amy Still, Peter Steiger, and Chrissy Stenner.