Little Feelings
Judy Spain Barton, Benjamin Hummel
(Prometheus, Jan. 1, 1998)
In Little Feelings, a book of richly descriptive and perceptive verse for children ages three to eight, Judy S. Barton has created a simple vehicle to help youngsters be more comfortable expressing the wide range of feelings they encounter in their early years and as they grow. The book encourages children to share these feelings, and, in doing so, acknowledge their existence. Understanding and accepting what it means to be happy, mad, scared, sad, and just plain alive are essential elements in every child's development.Designed to be read by children on their own or with an adult, Little Feelings provides a nonthreatening means to address the importance of emotion in a child's voyage of self-discovery. Inviting and often quite funny, Little Feelings covers a broad range of emotions. Its family-oriented verse and supportive illustrations will delight young and old alike. The perfect gift for parent and child, Little Feelings will stand the test of time and pass through the gener-ations of each caring family.