The Listening Me
Lydia Criss Mays, Fran Battendieri
(Our Rainbow Press, July 31, 2014)
The Listening Me helps children develop the lifeskill of listening. Strategically crafted, this book provides children with listening invitations to practice and understand the importance of listening. From rising in the morning, to resting their head on the pillow at night, children are invited to interact with the world as a listener and critical thinker. The Listening Me includes two unique additions that were crafted by brilliant contributors who work steadfastly to make the world a more kind place for all. A PARENT DISCUSSION GUIDE, written by Stephen de Groot from Getting to Better is included to help adult readers deeply connect with their children while reading. A CHILDREN'S ACTIVITY GUIDE, written by Orly Wahba, of Life Vest Inside, is included that extends invitations in the book to real world experiences.