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Books with title Let's Talk About Anger and Gossip

  • Let's Talk About God

    Dorothy K. Kripke, Christine Tripp

    Hardcover (Alef Design Group, Sept. 1, 2003)
    When Let's Talk About God was first published, it invited readers to enter powerful conversations about the meaning of their lives. Torah Aura is proud to put it back into publication in an updated edition. Let's Talk About God is perfect for bedtime and read aloud.Torah Aura Productions publishes books for Jewish schools and families that help celebrate our heritage and our faith.We have over 25 years of experience as the leading creator of high quality educational materials that enable Jewish children to become empowered Jewish adults.Our books guide and enhance the Jewish knowledge, spirituality and identity of children and their families, and our innovative tools bring Judaism alive in synagogues, Hebrew schools, and day schools.Torah Aura Productions was founded in 1981 by a group of innovative Jewish educators who looked out at the field of Jewish education and found materials that were shallow and dull. They started a company to create new tools for families and teachers that would be exciting and meaningful. For more than two decades, Torah Aura has revolutionized the way Jewish schools enable their students to become empowered Jewish adults, and has helped families make Judaism a meaningful presence in their homes.Some of the areas we publish in:- Torah and Bible- Talmud- Jewish teaching- Jewish parenting- Jewish ethics and values- Jewish holidays- the Jewish lifecycle- Israel- Hebrew- Jewish prayerTorah Aura Productions: Making success in Jewish education an achievable reality.
  • Let's Talk About Anger and Gossip

    Carolyn B. Anderson

    Paperback (E-BookTime, LLC, July 15, 2015)
    Both anger and gossip use speech in their manifestations in a person's life. Anger is an emotion that God expects each person to handle according to His Word. Gossip is using speech in a negative way against another person. Children and teenagers learn that for them to allow anger to express itself without setting boundaries grieves the Holy Spirit, as well as, opens the door for trouble to come into their lives. Anger and gossip can be controlled. God expects each person to exercise self-control in his own life and refuse the enemy's invitation to manifest the emotion of anger anytime he wishes and refuse the enemy's invitation to gossip about another person. Review questions and word puzzles are included at the end of each chapter to reinforce the information just learned.
  • Let's Talk About God

    Dorothy K. Kripke, Bobri

    Hardcover (Behrman, Aug. 16, 1970)
  • Let's talk about God

    Dorothy Karp Kripke

    Unknown Binding (Behrman House, March 15, 1953)

    Dorothy K.: Kripke, Bobri

    Hardcover (Behrman House, Aug. 16, 1959)
  • Let's Talk About God

    Dorothy K. Kripke, Bobri (illustrator)

    Hardcover (Behrman House, Inc., Aug. 16, 1954)
  • let's talk about god

    dorothy k. kripke

    Hardcover (Behrman House, Aug. 16, 1966)
  • Let's Talk About God

    Dorothy Kripke

  • Let's Talk About God

    Dorothy K. Kripke, Bobri

    Hardcover (Behrman House, Aug. 16, 1974)
  • Let's Talk About God

    Dorothy K Kripke

    Hardcover (Behrman House, Aug. 16, 1953)