Whether you know it or not, there are magnets hidden everywhere - in compasses, hairdryers, in telephones, in computers. This lively and practical book will tell you how magnets make engines work, how they help you find your way, and even how magnets can be switched on and off.
From sophisticated computers to a simple pair of scissors - we are surrounded by machines. This lively and practical book looks at the enormous variety of machines and how they work.
From sophisticated computers to a simple pair of scissors - we are surrounded by machines. This lively and practical book looks at the enormous variety of machines and how they work.
Weather is around you all the time. Is it cloudy or sunny? Is the weather the same all over the country? This lively and practical book tells you all about different climates and seasons.
Wings are the fastest way to travel. A peregrine falcon's dramatic dive makes it the fastest creature on Earth. A jumbo jet's engine makes it ten times quicker than a boat or a train. This book explains how creatures and machines are able to fly, how wings, propellers, and engines work, what flight is like in space, and what it might be like in the future. 250+ illustrations.
Whether you know it or not, there are magnets hidden everywhere - in compasses, hairdryers, in telephones, in computers. This lively and practical book will tell you how magnets make engines work, how they help you find your way, and even how magnets can be switched on and off.
Weather is around you all the time. Is it cloudy or sunny? Is the weather the same all over the country? This lively and practical book tells you all about different climates and seasons.
Describes the world's rainforests, their canopies and forest floors, their climate, and the variety of plants and animals which they support, and suggests related projects and activities