Monster ABC - An ABC Alphabet Rhyming Book with Illustrations
Tanya Turner
(, April 10, 2013)
This CHILDREN’S PICTURE BOOK is not your TYPICAL ABC BOOK as it features 26 COOL UNUSUAL MONSTERS representing a letter of the alphabet. Young kids will learn their ABCs not only by associating each letter to a name of a monster but also through a mixed of things: great pictures, silly wordings, funny monsters and the alphabet all rolled into one. IT IS A UNIQUE WAY for your pre-schoolers to learn as it stimulates your children’s imagination with the book’s slightly grotesque and uncommon monster creatures. This book is a fun and unconventional way of learning as the twisting names of the monsters and their stunning images will appeal to young children and teach them their ABCs. It is truly a fun and entertaining way of learning.TIPS TO A FUN LEARNING1.Find a quiet place to learn. It is easier for kids to learn and focus when there is no distraction.2.Tell your kids that they will be learning the alphabet and immediately show them the book. The colorful illustration on the cover of the book will spark their interest and curiosity to know what’s inside.3.Show each of the illustration and be sure to read to them the letter that monster represents and read the description on each of the monster slowly and clearly.4.Encourage your child to say the letter and repeat the description you’ve read about the monster. 5.Go over each letter and description as slowly as possible.6.Don’t immediately go to the next letter if they still want to look through the picture of a particular letter and encourage them to ask questions about the letter and its description.7.Don’t force your kids to go through the whole book. Stop if you think that they are no longer interested and go back to the page where you ended on another day. 8.Lastly, don’t forget to have fun. Allow yourself and your kids to enjoy looking at the picture book and have a hearty laugh over the description.