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Books with title Jack the giant-killer 1867

  • Jack the Giant Killer

    uncredited, Katie Haigh, Astorg Audio

    Audiobook (Astorg Audio, Feb. 25, 2016)
    Jack the Giant Killer is a British fairy tale in which a young man uses clever tricks to outwit terrible giants and rid the country of the threat they pose. The tale is set during King Arthur's reign. The witty Jack encounters terrible giants, each one more threatening and dangerous than the others. They devour cattle, emprison women, and maintain the country in a state of fear and confusion; but, armed only with his brain and a few magical objects he gathered, Jack will gain the advantage and slay the monsters. This is a classic tale, of which child psychologist Bruno Bettleheim observed that it could play a crucial role in child development: the giants can represent the towering adults, and Jack's legend may give the child a way of retaliating in fantasy against their threatening dominance in reality.
  • Jack the Giant Killer

    Richard Doyle

    Hardcover (Everyman's Library, Aug. 8, 2000)
    The story of Jack, the intrepid boy whose courage and ingenuity defeated a host of many-headed giants, has been told to children for hundreds of years. In 1842, when he was just 18, Richard Doyle, whose natural talent for draftsmanship was matched by imaginative invention and a passion for legend and the grotesque, created a picture-book version of Jack the Giant Killer, with hand-written text and a watercolor within a pictorial border decorating every page. It has remained one of the most beloved versions of this timeless tale.In this new Everyman's edition, Doyle's vivid, wonderfully engaging illustrations have been enlarged and the text has been given greater legibility. It is a book that will satisfy both the child's delight in scariness, wonder, and magic, and the collector's pleasure in classic Victorian illustration.
  • The Giant Killer

    Charlotte Maria Tucker

    Paperback (Independently published, Jan. 30, 2017)
    This book starts at the end of a physical journey and ends with the beginning of a spiritual one. The Probyn boys, Adolphus and Constantine are going to live with a tutor and his family. The family consists of Mr. and Mrs. Roby,and their children, Aleck, Bertha and Laura. The Probyns are thoughtless selfish rude and spoiled. The Roby children are quick to react and point out the faults of Probyns but their Mother is more concerned with them seeing their own faults and overcoming them. The story jumps back and forth between the adventures and struggles of the children, to the allegory of "The Giant Killer" which their mother reads to them. A sweet encouraging story. It can inspire all of us to deal with the Giants in our own hearts while having grace for the faults of others. The hero of the allegory is Knight Fide (which means Faith). Read and watch Knight Fide and the Roby children overcome the Giants of sloth, anger and others.
  • Jack the Giant Killer

    Joseph Jacobs

    eBook (Hayes Mountain LLC, Jan. 22, 2019)
    This book contains a classic children's story that has pleased children of all ages around the world for many years. This is a great story to read to children to help get them interested in the classics. We hope that you enjoy this classic children’s story and that you will enjoy passing the story on to a new generation.Some words within this title may have been changed to reflect a clearer understanding for today’s children.•This title contains an annotation providing information about the story and the author.

    Percival Leigh

    eBook (Readabook, June 22, 2020)
    "Jack the Giant Killer" is an English fairy tale and legend about a young adult who slays a number of bad giants.The tale is set during the reign of King Arthur and tells of a young Cornish farmer's son named Jack who is not only strong but so clever he easily confounds the learned with his penetrating wit.Giants are prominent in Cornish folklore, Breton mythology and Welsh Bardic lore. Some parallels to elements and incidents in Norse mythology and the trappings of Jack's last adventure suggest parallels with French and Breton fairy tales. Jack's belt is similar to the belt in "The Valiant Little Tailor", and his magical sword, shoes, cap, and cloak are similar to those found in Welsh and Norse mythology.This fairy tale has numerous theatre and movie adaptations.
  • Jack the Giant Killer

    Joseph Jacobs, Hugh Thomson

    eBook (The Planet, Feb. 13, 2013)
    Jack the Giant Killer is a famous English fairy tale about a brave lad slaying hideous giants.Color illustrations by Hugh Thomson.
  • Jack the Giant Killer Illustrated

    Joseph Jacobs, Hugh Thomson

    eBook (The Planet, Feb. 13, 2013)
    Jack the Giant Killer is a famous English fairy tale about a brave lad slaying hideous giants.Color illustrations by Hugh Thomson.
  • Jack the giant killer 1865

    Iacob Adrian

    language (, Jan. 13, 2015)
    Jack the giant killer 1865 edition illustrated
  • The Giant Killer

    Charlotte Maria Tucker

    eBook (EirenikosPress, Jan. 16, 2013)
    This book starts at the end of a physical journey and ends with the beginning of a spiritual one. The Probyn boys, Adolphus and Constantine are going to live with a tutor and his family. The family consists of Mr. and Mrs. Roby,and their children, Aleck, Bertha and Laura. The Probyns are thoughtless selfish rude and spoiled. The Roby children are quick to react and point out the faults of Probyns but their Mother is more concerned with them seeing their own faults and overcoming them. The story jumps back and forth between the adventures and struggles of the children, to the allegory of "The Giant Killer" which their mother reads to them. A sweet encouraging story. It can inspire all of us to deal with the Giants in our own hearts while having grace for the faults of others. The hero of the allegory is Knight Fide (which means Faith). Read and watch Knight Fide and the Roby children overcome the Giants of sloth, anger and others.
  • The Giant Killer

    Judd Palmer

    eBook (Bayeux Arts, Feb. 11, 2011)
    After his prodigious success with the Giant of the Beanstalk, and then subsequent victories over the assorted ogres Cormoran of St. Michael’s Mount, Old Blunderbore (and his brother), Ods Splutter Hur Nails (late of Wales), and so on, Jack the Giant-Killer has almost rid the world of the collossal kind. But disturbing news comes from the far North: a final Giant has unfrozen from the Ice Age, and is wreaking havoc amongst the Inuit. But now Jack is old, made decrepit by the excesses of his fame. Nevertheless, he leaps astride his Golden Hen and goes North in search of the last Giant.
  • Jack The Giant Killer

    Percival Leigh, JOHN LEECH

    eBook (Oliver Classic Publishing, Jan. 8, 2015)
    Jack The Giant Killer (The Illustrated and Annotated)Read For FREE with Kindle Unlimited Subscription I sing the deeds of famous Jack,The doughty Giant Killer hight;How he did various monsters "whack,"And so became a gallant knight.In Arthur's days of splendid fun(His Queen was Guenever the Pliant),—Ere Britain's sorrows had begun;When every cave contained its giant;When griffins fierce as bats were rife;And till a knight had slain his dragon,At trifling risk of limbs and life,He did n't think he'd much to brag on;When wizards o'er the welkin flew;Ere science had devised balloon;And 'twas a common thing to viewA fairy ballet by the moon;—Our hero played his valiant pranks;Earned loads of kudos, vulgô glory,A lady, "tin," and lots of thanks;—Relate, oh Muse! his wondrous story.- Percival Leigh
  • Jack the Giant Killer

    Richard Doyle

    eBook (Everyman's Library, Nov. 20, 2012)
    The story of Jack, the intrepid boy whose courage and ingenuity defeated a host of many-headed giants, has been told to children for hundreds of years. In 1842, when he was just 18, Richard Doyle, whose natural talent for draftsmanship was matched by imaginative invention and a passion for legend and the grotesque, created a picture-book version of Jack the Giant Killer, with hand-written text and a watercolor within a pictorial border decorating every page. It has remained one of the most beloved versions of this timeless tale.In this new Everyman's edition, Doyle's vivid, wonderfully engaging illustrations have been enlarged and the text has been given greater legibility. It is a book that will satisfy both the child's delight in scariness, wonder, and magic, and the collector's pleasure in classic Victorian illustration.