Indian Fairy Tales
Joseph Jacobs
(Public Domain Books, Nov. 24, 2019)
Indian Fairy TalesThe lion and the crane -- How the Raja's son won the Princess Labam -- The lambikin -- Punchkin -- The broken pot -- The magic fiddle -- The cruel crane outwitted -- Loving Laili -- The tiger, the Brahman, and the jackal -- The soothsayer's son -- Harisarman -- The charmed ring -- The talkative tortoise -- A lac of rupees for a piece of advice -- The gold-giving serpent -- The son of seven queens -- A lesson for kings -- Pride goeth before a fall -- Raja Rasalu -- The ass in the lion's skin -- The farmer and the money-lender -- The boy who had a moon on his forehead and a star on his chin -- The prince and the fakir -- Why the fish laughed -- The demon with the matted hair -- The ivory city and its fairy princess -- Sun, moon, and wind go out to dinner -- How the wicked sons were duped -- The pigeon and the crow.