Explores America. Units are titled: Unit 1 - Understanding Geography; Unit 2 - A Nation of Many Peoples; Unit 3 - The Northeast; Unit 4 - The South; Unit 5 - The Midwest; Unit 6 - The West; and Unit 7 - The United States and the World.
For second grade. Themes of book are: 1 - People and Communities; 2 - Our Place on Earth; 3 - People at Work; 4 - Our Nation's Story; 5 - America's People; and 6 - Our Government. Also teaches things like Let's Explore -- Map Skills: Reading a Map; Using a Map Grid; Reading a Landform Map; Using a World Map; Using a Map Scale; Identifying Boundaries; and Making a Map. Let's Find Out -- Research Skills: Using a Textbook; Using a Dictionary; Making Predictions; Using a Library; and Taking a Survey. Let's Look -- Visual Skills: Reading a Diagram; Reading a Flow Chart; Reading a Timeline; Reading a Bar Graph; and Reading a Chart. These are skills which can be used all through child's education.