Hidden Treasures in Grandma's Attic
Tom Frazee, Britanny Zendejas
(Brown Books, March 16, 2016)
Set in the 1890s, this book and corresponding children's ballet offer an exciting, fun-filled and, at times, suspenseful story to readers and viewers. This is a book, and a ballet, that draws readers and viewers back to the slower-paced days of the horse and buggy, where family values and close friendships were expected, enjoyed, and cherished. In Hidden Treasures in Grandma's Attic, we are introduced to a young, red-headed girl, Katy, as well as her family and five friends, who come together for a debutante event. While the festivities are going on downstairs in the large ballroom of Grandma's house, Katy and her friends are finding their own fun upstairs in the attic. They are drawn to a large, musty, old trunk begging to be opened and investigated. Katy and her friends eventually open the trunk, where inside they discover an assortment of items to be treasured when it comes to a young girl's imagination.