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Books with title Good Ole Rotten Apples

  • Good Ole Rotten Apples

    Judy Frankamp

    eBook (Chick Publications, Aug. 19, 2014)
    Judy Frankamp discovered that being raised in a ā€œreligiousā€ home was not enough. It was only when Jesus her Saviour became the Lord of her life, she truly understood what it meant to be born again. Then she could not help but be honest and confront those around her. She takes us into specific issues that have bothered many Christians, but they could not quite get a handle on them. Frankamp knows how to put them into words. With an engaging, homey style, the author explains how she learned that her favorite ā€œChristianā€ talk show host was really pushing the New Age. She puts into plain language what is wrong with Harry Potter. She describes her confrontation with liberal pastors who didnā€™t care if their Bible had removed or changed the words of God. They just didnā€™t want to make waves. On several occasions, she writes from the point of view of Satan and his devils, scheming how to derail Christians. There are some things, like the Harry Potter craze, that we just ā€œknowā€ arenā€™t right, but canā€™t explain it. After reading Frankampā€™s story, youā€™ll know how.
  • Rotten Apple

    Natasha A. Salnikova, Stephanie Dillard, Natalia Salnikova

    Audible Audiobook (Natalia Salnikova, Nov. 2, 2016)
    Alexander thinks it will be easy to break up with his mistress because he has done it many times before with other women. But Karen is different. She doesn't want to be dispensable and decides to use Alexander's wife in her plans. His wife doesn't suspect anything, which is perfect for Karen. Nothing can stand in the way of her happiness. Or, so she thinks. After her beautiful plan is in place and she assumes everything is under her control, things begin to take a different turn. Suddenly, nothing is under her control. Skeletons are pulled out of everyone's closets and lives are destroyed. In this book no one is innocent - until proved otherwise.
  • Rotten Apples

    Jon Athan

    On his thirteenth birthday, Jacob White discovers his older brother, Kevin, is a violent serial killer. Kevin doesn't want to hurt Jacob, though. Kevin wants to teach Jacob about the worldā€”from his twisted perspective. He wants to mold his little brother into a serial killer so that they can kill together. However, as his brother goes on a murder spree, Jacob finds himself wrestling with his conscience... Can one rotten apple spoil the whole barrel?Jon Athan, the author of A Family of Violence and The Abuse of Ashley Collins, brings you a provocative horror story of family, adolescence, and violence. Could you keep your brother's secret?WARNING: This book contains scenes of graphic violence and disturbing themes. Many of these scenes involve violence committed by and against minors. This book is not intended for those easily offended or appalled. Please enjoy at your own discretion.
  • Good Ole Rotten Apples

    Mrs Judy Frankamp

    Paperback (Chick Publications, Incorporated, Aug. 16, 2017)
    Judy Frankamp discovered that being raised in a "religious" home was not enough. She takes us into specific issues that have bothered many Christians, but they could not quite get a handle on them. Not to worry, Frankamp knows how to put them into words. With an engaging, "homey style", the author explains how she learned that her favorite "Christian" talk show host was really pushing the New Age. She puts into plain language what is wrong with Harry Potter. She describes her confrontation with liberal pastors who didn't care if their Bible had removed or changed the words of God. They just didn't want to make waves. On several occasions, she writes from the point of view of Satan and his devils, scheming how to derail Christians. There are some things, like the Harry Potter craze, that we just "know" aren't right, but can't explain them. After you read Frankamp's story, you will know how. Includes two chapters explaining: "What's Wrong With Harry Potter?"
  • Rotten Apples

    Jon Athan

    Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, Sept. 15, 2017)
    On his thirteenth birthday, Jacob White discovers his older brother, Kevin, is a violent serial killer. Kevin doesn't want to hurt Jacob, though. Kevin wants to teach Jacob about the worldā€”from his twisted perspective. He wants to mold his little brother into a serial killer so that they can kill together. However, as his brother goes on a murder spree, Jacob finds himself wrestling with his conscience... Can one rotten apple spoil the whole barrel? Jon Athan, the author of A Family of Violence and The Abuse of Ashley Collins, brings you a provocative horror story of family, adolescence, and violence. Could you keep your brother's secret? WARNING: This book contains scenes of graphic violence and disturbing themes. Many of these scenes involve violence committed by and against minors. This book is not intended for those easily offended or appalled. Please enjoy at your own discretion.
  • Rotten Apples

    Paul Harris, Richard Stansfield, Sorrel Evans, Kim Harris

    eBook (Masters & Harris Publishing, March 11, 2012)
    Our accidental hero, Jimmy Conway, believes he is leaving his past behind him. The miserable job and broken marriage are replaced with an old petrol station and workshop, located in the idyllic West Country village of Middle Winston. While his new residence and place of work are ā€˜in need of modernisationā€™ it is his. He is now free from the shackles of life.Unfortunately for Jimmy, his new world is about to be shattered in spectacular fashion, as Middle Winston holds more secrets than an MPā€™s expense account.Jimmy finds himself in the middle of the dark criminal underworld, run by Granny Smith and her gang of misfit yokels. Jimmy discovers that ā€˜village lifeā€™ is not what he expected and he ends up fleeing for his life. The only chance Jimmy has is ā€˜The Agencyā€™ run by Major Mallory, who has made it his personal quest in life to bring Grannyā€™s empire down. His team of crack commandos and his South African tank commander, Van Wyk, lay siege to Middle Winston, but will it be enough to stop the Rotten Appleā€™s latest million pound drug deal, and save Jimmy, or will the Vicar (Grannyā€™s loyal hit-man) lay Jimmy to rest.
  • Rotten Apples

    Stephern Bucaro

    eBook (, June 21, 2015)
    A kids story about a poor farmer who's wife does not scold him about a bad trade he made in order to do a good deed. In the end the farmer and his wife are rewarded.
  • Rotten Apple

    Mary Elizabeth Brazil

    eBook (Slushpile, Nov. 3, 2015)
    When Michelle Walker embarks on a book signing tour in New York to promote her novel 'Rotten Apple' she does not suspect that life is about to imitate art. Just like the character in her debut novel, her husband, Alex goes missing while on the tour. Michelle enlists the help of a fellow hotel guest, retired detective, John Powski, to help find Alex. As Powski investigates the case, he realises that all is not what it seems with the Walkers and that their case will lead him to an unsolved investigation that still haunts him. As the present becomes entangled with the past, secrets are revealed, lives become endangered and Powski comes to see that truth is stranger than fiction.
  • Rotten Apple

    Rebecca Eckler

    language (Doubleday Canada, Sept. 1, 2009)
    Apple is the opposite of her outspoken mother and gossipy, chatty best friends; sheā€™s always been the cool, calm, and collected one. But her life is about to spiral out of control. Appleā€™s super-sized, secret crush on her friend Zen leads her into major trouble. And sheā€™s realizing it might not have been such a good idea to pose as her motherā€“the famous talk show host and self-help guru, Dr. Bee Bergā€“and send out fake advice emails to keep her (devastatingly beautiful) friend Happy away from Zen. Before she knows it, her best friend hates her, the whole school knows about her crush, and she is humiliated on national TV. How much more will it take for Apple to learn that taking advice is just as important as giving it?
  • Rotten Apple

    Rebecca Eckler

    Paperback (Doubleday Canada, Sept. 1, 2009)
    Apple is the opposite of her outspoken mother and gossipy, chatty best friends; sheā€™s always been the cool, calm, and collected one. But her life is about to spiral out of control. Appleā€™s super-sized, secret crush on her friend Zen leads her into major trouble. And sheā€™s realizing it might not have been such a good idea to pose as her motherā€“the famous talk show host and self-help guru, Dr. Bee Bergā€“and send out fake advice emails to keep her (devastatingly beautiful) friend Happy away from Zen. Before she knows it, her best friend hates her, the whole school knows about her crush, and she is humiliated on national TV. How much more will it take for Apple to learn that taking advice is just as important as giving it?
  • Rotten Apple

    Rebecca Eckler

    Hardcover (Doubleday Canada, Oct. 7, 2008)
    Apple is the opposite of her outspoken mother and gossipy, chatty best friends; sheā€™s always been the cool, calm, and collected one. But her life is about to spiral out of control. Appleā€™s super-sized, secret crush on her friend Zen leads her into major trouble. And sheā€™s realizing it might not have been such a good idea to pose as her motherā€“the famous talk show host and self-help guru, Dr. Bee Bergā€“and send out fake advice emails to keep her (devastatingly beautiful) friend Happy away from Zen. Before she knows it, her best friend hates her, the whole school knows about her crush, and she is humiliated on national TV. How much more will it take for Apple to learn that taking advice is just as important as giving it?
  • Rotten Apple

    Lloyd Banks
