An unexpected friendship is at the center of this unique look at the first Thanksgiving. Young Giles meets up with Metacom, one of the Wampanoag living in the area near the Plimoth Colony, and comes to a new understanding about the Native American people. Readers will learn about the early colonists in America and the Indians who helped them survive.
An unexpected friendship is at the center of this unique look at the first Thanksgiving. Young Giles meets up with Metacom, one of the Wampanoag living in the area near the Plimoth Colony, and comes to a new understanding about the Native American people. Readers will learn about the early colonists in America and the Indians who helped them survive.
An unexpected friendship is at the center of this unique look at the first Thanksgiving. Young Giles meets up with Metacom, one of the Wampanoag living in the area near the Plimoth Colony, and comes to a new understanding about the Native American people. Readers will learn about the early colonists in America and the Indians who helped them survive.