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Books with title Further Statistics: Problem Solving using the Casio fx-991ES Calculator

  • Further Statistics: Problem Solving using the Casio fx-991ES Calculator

    Allen Brown

    Paperback (Independently published, June 5, 2017)
    If you have worked through Statistics Part 1 and Statistics Part 2 from Cambridge Paperbacks you will have gathered by nowthe subject of statistics requires a great deal of personal application in order to gain a good working knowledge of thesubject. Further Statistics builds on the knowledge you have already acquired. You will find that not all the subjects coveredin this book are included in the Statistics strand of your A Level Further Maths. That will depend on the examination boardsyllabus you are following. Many statistical techniques involve a methodology which is acquired with practice. An important part of the learning process is for you to work through each example using your own Casio fx-991ES Plus calculator. The results should be entered into your own note book – this is active learning and it’s only by doing this that you are likely to gain maximum benefit from the Cambridge Maths Method which underpins the whole learning process.
  • Statistics Part 1: Problem Solving with the Casio fx-991ES Calculator

    Allen Brown

    Paperback (Nielsen ISBN Store, May 9, 2016)
    Statistics is an integral part of your A Level maths syllabus and you will be expected to gain a reasonable working knowledge of the subject. No doubt you will have heard the word statistics on many occasions and in this part of your course you will gain a better understanding of what statistics is all about. Statistics deals with numbers, in particular sets of numbers that are normally derived from measurements. However unlike other areas of mathematics, statistics relates to uncertainty. The first chapter is therefore on probability and how it relates to statistics. As you will discover, statistics is about calculating best estimates and determining the confidence in those estimates. You will be introduced to methods for dealing with differentlytypes of data, small data sets or samples taken from much larger data sets.
  • Statistics Part 2: Problem Solving using the Casio fx-991ES Calculator

    Allen Brown

    Paperback (Nielsen ISBN Store, May 9, 2016)
    The second book on statistics in the Cambridge Paper-backs A Level Maths series contains much of the material you will need to continue on building your knowledge of the subject. Much of this book is given over to statistical methods and you will need a good understanding of them to gain a solid working knowledge of the subject. As with the first book, the Casio fx-991ES Plus calculator can play a significant role in furthering your understanding of statistics. You will be introduced to several of the in-built features the calculator has specifically for statistical calculations. You may have noticed by now, the major difference be-tween traditional maths and statistics that is the level of precision, the results of statistical processing are only approximations and not absolute values.
  • Trigonometry: Problem Solving using the Casio fx-991ES Calculator

    Allen Brown

    Paperback (Nielsen ISBN store, May 10, 2016)
    This book has been written to enable you to gain a good understanding of trigonometry and how your Casio fx-991ES Plus calculator can be used to further your understanding of the subject. Trigonometry forms an important part of your A Level Maths syllabus and this book should be used alone side your classroom text book on the subject. It will provide you with the skills to perform trigonometry calculations on your fx-991ES Plus calculator. You will already have covered some of the material in this book in your GCSE Key Stages 4, in fact the first few chapters will consulate your existing knowledge.
  • Mechanics Part 1: Problem Solving using the Casio fx-991ES Calculator

    Allen Brown

    Paperback (Nielsen ISBN Store, Aug. 16, 2016)
    Mechanics forms substantial part of your A Level Mathematics course and your Casio fx-991ES Plus calculator will prove invaluable as you gain an understanding and working knowledge of the subject. In this, the first of two books on mechanics, you will find many of the subject areas you are likely to encounter in the classroom. When your maths teacher introduces you to mechanics, as each new topic is started, look up the relevant chapter in this this book (or Book 2). Use it alongside the material your teacher covers and the material in your maths course book. You will find that many of the problems you are asked to work through are covered in this book and you will be able to use the same Casio fx-991ES Plus keystrokes to help you solve the problems.
  • Modelling: Problem Solving using the Casio fx-991ES PLUS Calculator

    Dr Allen Brown

    Paperback (nielsen isbn store, Aug. 2, 2019)
    Modelling is an important skill to acquire as it’s applicable to many areas of engineering and science. It is fair to say that today, there is no scientific discipline which would not benefit from the use of mathematical modelling.To get you started in developing a modelling mindset, you will be introduced to the principle of the Cambridge Maths Method which is,1. Here is the problem.2. Construct a mathematical model.3. Put numbers into your model.4. Here is the result, change the numbers to see new results.This method is applied to the many examples throughout this book; for example, a mathematical model is derived to give the volume or area of a composite structure – a shape or structure is made up of fundamental components with which you are already familiar.The importance of putting numbers into your model and seeing it produce results cannot be overemphasised. This is where the Casio fx-991ES Plus calculator proves to be an invaluable resource in your learning experience. It’s therefore important for you to work through each example using your own fx-991ES calculator so you are able to perform the calculations yourself.
  • Calculus 2: Problem Solving using the Casio fx-991ES Calculator

    Allen Brown

    Paperback (Nielsen ISBN Store, May 2, 2016)
    Welcome to Part 2 of this series on calculus where the focus will be on integration. Proficiency in performing integration comes as a result of practice and this book has many exercises for you to work through. As in Part 1, you should use this book to compliment the work you are given in the class room. You will need to have worked through Part1 of this two part set on differentiation in order to understand a number of the techniques which are discussed in Part 2. You will discover how to use the power of your Casio fx-991ES Plus to work through many integration problems. You will find that it’s a real asset in furthering your understanding of calculus.
  • Modelling: Problem Solving using the Casio fx-991ES Calculator

    Allen Brown

    Paperback (Independently published, Sept. 19, 2019)
    Mathematical modelling is a highly desirable skill to have as it has applications across all areas of science, engineering and technology. Traditionally it has been a difficult skill to acquire owing to the problems of implementation. However armed with the Casio fx-991ES Plus calculator, it is surprising how much can be learned and achieved with this modestly costing device. There was a time when only engineering was all about numbers; now life sciences, biology in particular, is now making mathematical demands on its graduates. In particular the modelling of biological systems and their behaviour. A good mathematical skill set is therefore essential for all scientists. This book has been written to help you develop a modelling mindset as you progress through your A Level Maths course. The task of being able to express a problem in terms of equations and then perform calculations can be achieved with relative ease when using a scientific calculator.
  • Calculus 1: Problem Solving using the Casio fx-991ES Calculator

    Allen Brown

    Paperback (Independently published, May 9, 2016)
    Calculus is an important part of A Level Mathematics and Part 1 of this two series focuses on differentiation, althoughChapter 10 is on Series and Series Expansions. It’s assumed you have already gained a very high grade in GCSE Maths andyou have good basic skills in algebra and trigonometry. The Casio calculator you are recommended to have in order tomake the most of this book is the fx-991 ES PLUS which is shown on the cover of the book.
  • Integrations: Problem Solving using the Casio fx-991ES Plus Calculator

    Allen Brown

    Paperback (Independently published, Sept. 16, 2019)
    Every student doing A Level maths or Further Maths will be expected to gain some knowledge of calculus and integrations in particular. The standard text books in the subject are adequate for satisfying the requirement of the syllabus. However, to gain a further understanding of integration it’s necessary to work through a varied range of examples. This book offers the reader the opportunity of doing just that. To perform integrations a good knowledge of the standard methods ofsubstitution and integration by parts is required and the examples in this book clearly demonstrate these methods.
  • Mechanics Part 2: Problem Solving using the Casio fx-991ES Calculator

    Allen Brown

    Paperback (Nielsen ISBN store, March 28, 2016)
    This is the second book on mechanics in the Cambridge Paperbacks series on mechanics and as with the Part 1, this is best used together with your classroom text books on mechanics. Most of the topics you will cover in your classroom are discussed with special emphasis on how the the Casio fx-991ES PLUS calculator can be used to solve mechanics problems.
  • Further Calculus: Problem Solving using the Casio fx-991ES PLUS Calculator

    Allen Brown

    Paperback (Nielsen ISBN Store, May 9, 2016)
    If you are doing the A Level in Further Maths you will need to cover more calculus and much of the material in this book is drawn from the various A level Further Maths syllabuses. It is assumed that you have already worked through Calculus 1 and Calculus 2 of the Cambridge Paperbacks in the A Level Maths Series. You should therefore have a reasonable understanding of both differentiation and integration. In this book we shall be building upon your acquired knowledge to further your understanding of the subject. As in the other books in the series, considerable emphasis will be placed upon the use of the Casio fx-991ES PLUS calculator. By now you will have already gained a proficient skill set in the use of this calculator for performing difficult calculations. The material for this book is drawn from the various A Level Further Maths syllabuses and a chapter on partial differentiation has been included.