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Books with title FAME: Lady Gaga: A Graphic Novel

  • FAME: Lady Gaga: A Graphic Novel

    CW Cooke

    Paperback (Bluewater Productions, May 30, 2012)
    From the hit comic series comes the biography of Lady Gaga, take two! You've all seen the music videos. The performances. The award show acceptance speeches and the interviews. We all know her name and her image - but how many of us really know the story of Gaga? From her early days at NYU to her music videos and MTV performances, become one of her little monsters and take a look behind the curtain to learn the truth about pop-music diva.
  • FAME: MADONNA: A Graphic Novel

    CW Cooke

    Paperback (Bluewater Productions, Feb. 13, 2013)
    Once upon a time we all knew her as the Material Girl, but now, the world over knows her as Madonna, a one-woman extravaganza. Before there was Lady Gaga, Beyonce, Christina Aguilera, or Britney, there was Madonna. She''s a pop sensation, actress, writer, activist, mother, and director. It''s a Madonna world, and we''re all living in it! This "Fame" edition features tons of extras!