Adam Guillain, Charlotte Guillain, Kelly Gaffney, Kassandra Radomski
(Raintree, Aug. 25, 2017)
Engage Literacy is the award-winning reading scheme from Raintree. Perfect for both guided and independent reading, its engaging and contemporary content motivates and supports early readers while providing a reliable and instructional framework. Some readers are thematically linked in fiction and non-fiction pairs and precisely levelled, with new vocabulary introduced and reinforced throughout the levels.
Charlotte Guillain, Adam Guillain, Alison Reynolds, Kelly Gaffney, Kassandra Radomski, Jessica Gunderson, Ruth Bjorklund
(Raintree, Aug. 25, 2017)
Engage Literacy is the award-winning reading scheme from Raintree. Perfect for both guided and independent reading, its engaging and contemporary content motivates and supports early readers while providing a reliable and instructional framework. Some readers are thematically linked in fiction and non-fiction pairs and precisely levelled, with new vocabulary introduced and reinforced throughout the levels.
Dennis Fertig, Phillip W. Simpson, Bradley James Weber, Blake Hoena
(Raintree, Aug. 25, 2017)
Engage Literacy is the award-winning reading scheme from Raintree. Perfect for both guided and independent reading, its engaging and contemporary content motivates and supports early readers while providing a reliable and instructional framework. Readers in book bands pink to grey are thematically linked in fiction and non-fiction pairs and all readers are precisely levelled, with new vocabulary introduced and reinforced throughout the levels.
Brian Krumm, Alison Reynolds, A. M. Reynolds, Rebecca Rissman, Fiona Undrill
(Raintree, Aug. 25, 2017)
Engage Literacy is the award-winning reading scheme from Raintree. Perfect for both guided and independent reading, its engaging and contemporary content motivates and supports early readers while providing a reliable and instructional framework. Readers are thematically linked in fiction and non-fiction pairs and precisely levelled, with new vocabulary introduced and reinforced throughout the levels.
Engage Literacy is the new reading scheme from Raintree that introduces engaging and contemporary content to motivate and support early readers while providing a reliable and instructional framework. All titles are precisely levelled, with new vocabulary being introduced and reinforced throughout the levels. The Orange book band comprises fiction and non-fiction books at levels 15 and 16.
Lucinda Cotter, Jay Dale, Adam Guillain, Kelly Gaffney, Alison Reynolds, Charlotte Guillain, Anne Guilieri, Anita Ganeri, Rebecca Langston-George, Katie Parker