Our daring duo explores the realms of imagination, finding friends and foes alike...while back on Earth, a clockwork army assembles under the command of the frightening force known only as The Singular!
Once he realizes his full potential, Blair, along with his pals Figment, Fye, and Chimera, escapes the Nightmare Nation and returns to a London ravaged by the forces of the Clockwork Army.
A steampunk fantasy story exploring the origin of the inventor known as Dreamfinder, and how one little spark of inspiration created a dragon called Figment. Based on the Epcot attraction Journey Into Imagination.
The next Disney adventure is here--starring one of Disney's most popular characters! Dive into a steampunk fantasy story exploring the never-before-revealed origin of the inventor known as Dreamfinder, and how one little spark of inspiration created a dragon called Figment. Acclaimed creators Jim Zub and Filipe Andrade give a Marvel spin to the mind-expanding Epcot attraction, Journey Into Imagination!