Daddy Loves You
Patrick Mcknight, Karen Johntson, Eddie Allen, Kendall Reese, Dennis Haywood
(Coivisions, Sept. 3, 2013)
"Daddy Loves You" is a book filled with adventure, anguish, comical antics, and literally pulls you into the lives of the characters. This is a story that focuses on the lives of a man and his estranged daughter who suddenly, and unexpectedly, comes back into his life after 12 years. This story takes you on a ride of an emotional roller coaster as he tries to do the right thing for his mother and daughter. You will cry, laugh, and cry again as he walks you through his life trying to get to know his 15 year old daughter - who is quite a handful. The climax of the story will catch you completely off guard and leave you filled with mixed emotions. There is never a dull moment - from the front cover through to the back cover. Enjoy!!!