Common Objects of the Microscope
J. G. Wood
(Forgotten Books, Sept. 8, 2010)
PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION-»-The task of revising and bringing up to date a work which has been the guide, philosopher, and friend of thousands of commencing microscopists has been, in the present case, one of no small difficulty. On the one hand, there was the natural desire to interfere as little as possible with the original work ; and on the other, the necessity of rendering available, to some extent at least, the enormous advance in every department which has taken place in the thirty-six years which have elapsed since the work was first offered to the public. The reviser has done his best not only to fulfil these two objects, but to keep in view the original purpose of the book.In the popular department of pond-life especially, about fifty new illustrations have been added, mostly from the reviser's own notebook sketches. The whole of the botanical part has been revised by oneTable of Contents XXIV ALGEBRAIC TRA:ljFOR:IATJO~S A;>,"'D S{,'DSTJn;TJO~S 371; XXV SOLUTJO~ OF NU~lt'':JlJCAL Au:a;mvIC EQUAT'O~S • 392; XXVI YA "L :IOTlO's • 407; XXVII LAWS OF GnOWTH 423; XXVlII l'OLAR CoomH:-JATf;~ 431;; XXIX CO~IPLEX XCmHms 430; XXX SOLI}} ASALYTIC GtX>U·;THY: POJXTIi A:'1) LI~~':s 452; xXXI SOLID AXALYTICS: FfJlST DEGREE E(~UATJO:-;~ A~I); EQUA TJOXS J~; Two VAil' AIift:S; XXXII SOLID A"ALl'TICS: QU'DRlC S{jHFACt:S; T'DLES; 465; 47;; 495 XXIV ALGEBRAIC TRA:ljFOR:IATJO~S A;>,"'D S{,'DSTJn;TJO~S 371; XXV SOLUTJO~ OF NU~lt'':JlJCAL Au:a;mvIC EQUAT'O~S • 392; XXVI YA "L :IOTlO's • 407; XXVII LAWS OF GnOWTH 423; XXVlII l'OLAR CoomH:-JATf;~ 431;; XXIX CO~IPLEX XCmHms 430; XXX SOLI}} ASALYTIC GtX>U·;THY: POJXTIi A:'1) LI~~':s 452; xXXI SOLID AXALYTICS: FfJlST DEGREE E(~UATJO:-;~ A~I); EQUA TJOXS J~; Two VAil' AIift:S; XXXII SOLID A"ALl'TICS: QU'DRlC S{j