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Books with title Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

    Bill Andrews

    Cognitive Behavioral TherapyMaster Your Brain and Emotions to Overcome Anxiety, Depression and Negative ThoughtsMost of us are trapped in a roller-coaster of ‘automatic’ thoughts, emotions, and actions. Try as hard as we might, when we see certain people or heard certain things, we get emotional. These intense emotions then trigger us to say certain things out of habit. We also often feel pushed to act a certain way. This all plays out so quickly we feel we really have no control about it. Very much like being on a roller-coaster. Might as well just brace yourself for the ride, right? After all, it’s too easy to conclude that your ‘automatic’ reactions of fear, anxiety, depression, or anger are simply part of ‘who you are as a person!’Well, you don’t have to keep making the same wrong decisions over and over again. You don’t have to be miserable, powerless, or small. You don’t have to keep defining yourself as a person who doesn’t have much power over your life and your world. What if I told you that you CAN get off the careening roller-coaster. that is your life? What if you can put an end to negative emotional reactions that consistently and constantly put you in a bad spot?The answer? Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). CBT is a one of the most respected, thoroughly tested, and vetted psychiatric counseling systems in existence. Countless people have been liberated from personal prisons of helplessness, powerlessness, failure, anxiety, depression, and compulsive behaviors. Best of all, CBT doesn’t necessarily involve mind altering medication, hypnosis, or electro shock therapy. Instead, CBT works with a very basic premise: whatever negative thoughts, psychology, verbal and habitual behavioral patterns you have are products of how you choose to interpret situations. These interpretations, in turn, are products of certain ‘truths’ you choose to believe.CBT zeroes in on the central fact that you have a lot of choice in how your life plays out. By simply choosing to think in a different way and interpret certain experiences differently, you can produce a massive positive change in your life. You no longer have to feel like certain negative mental and emotional states are natural and ‘automatic’ responses to certain triggers in your life.This workbook teaches you key Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy principles that will enable you to become a happier, more fulfilled, more effective, and more content person. Stop thinking that your world is spiraling out of control or you don’t have control over your life. This book/ guide teaches simple clear techniques that will enable you to start living life to the fullest.Get this book today on Limited Time Discount Only. Go To The Top Right Of This Page and Click Buy Now!
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

    Jeremiah Bonn

    Feeling lost about how to effectively treat disturbing intrusive thoughts? Try this 5-step system!.There are many benefits to adopting cognitive behavioral therapy, otherwise known as CBT. This therapy has been used for decades to help people who are struggling with feelings of stress or anger and people who have a mental illness. Whichever you are struggling with, CBT has the power to improve your life and help you flourish. Whether you choose to use cognitive behavioral therapy on your own and in the comfort of your own home or with the help of a trained and certified therapist, you are sure to find help if you dedicate yourself. By setting aside the time and energy to consistently use the tools of CBT you can change your life and your inner self. Why continue to live a life in which you are struggling to control your stress, anger, addictions, anxiety, and depression when there are a wealth of simple tools to help you learn to manage and control these issues? With time, as you begin to adjust to using CBT and come to know your inner self better, you will find that these struggles reduce greatly! In fact, people with depression who practice CBT have been shown in studies to improve seventy percent. In Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: The New 5-Step System to End Anxiety, Defuse Anger and Defeat Depression & Negative Thinking, you will learn how to use mindfulness, thought records, thought replacement, and more in order to benefit from CBT. Cognitive behavioral therapy has decades of research backing it. While other books may use damaging and untested methods, CBT has long been proven to have a beneficial effect on people&rsquos; perceptions of themselves, their understanding of the world around them, increasing mental health, decreasing stress, improving communication, and benefiting relationships. In this book you will find:How negative thoughts might be affecting you more than you realize.Sixteen types of cognitive distortions and how they overlap.How to turn your negative thoughts into positive thoughts.Becoming aware of your strengths and weaknesses.How to use meditation and mindfulness to improve your well-being.Finding help and advice from outside sources.How to be more kind to yourself.Steps to keeping a thought record.How to boost your self-compassion and kindness.Silencing your inner critic.Changing and balancing your cognition.How to practice deep breathing techniques.And more...
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

    Bill Andrews, Anivya Publishing

    COGNITIVE BEHAVIORAL THERAPY (CBT) BOX SETBook 1: Master Your Brain and Emotions to Overcome Anxiety, Depression and Negative ThoughtsBook 2: An Alternative Treatment for Greater Personal Happiness and Contentment You do not instruct your blood to flow. The thoughts rushing through your mind can seem just as automatic, but if you want to improve your life, all you have to do is change your negative, limiting thought patterns and assumptions.Author Bill Andrews used to be ‘too shy’ to talk to strangers. His belief held him back, although others saw a man with a lot going for him. A friend showed him how distorted his thinking was. That change in perspective freed him for success.When you challenge distorted thinking, your behavior changes. That is the simple premise behind Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. It can help with:Low self-esteemLow self-confidenceSocial fears/fear of new experiencesDepressionNegative self-talkThis science-based, problem-focused, action-oriented field of psychology has been helping people diagnosed with depression, anxiety, and other issues for a long time, but it is also an invaluable tool for all of us who desire a better, more expansive life.This two-book set will help you overcome helplessness, powerlessness, failure, and compulsive behaviors. You are not your reactive thoughts to words or events, but if repeatedly say “I can’t…” or “I’m not good enough,’ it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy that keeps you small. Distorted thinking causes you to make mistakes. This two-set manual gives you the tools to uncover and eliminate self-defeating messages.This box set explains:What CBT isHow CBT worksHow to benefit from itHow to use a 10-step process to increase awareness of how your mind worksThe process explained in this box set will help you increase your personal happiness, peace, and joy because you understand and change the erroneous thinking that sabotages growth.CBT can give you an option that does not require mind-altering medication, hypnosis, electroshock therapy, or years of psychoanalysis. Instead, CBT offers this basic premise: whatever negative thoughts and habitual behavioral patterns you have are products of how you choose to interpret situations. These interpretations result from certain ‘truths’ you choose to believe.“This is a short read but packed with help to gain insight and perspective on erroneous information that you are feeding yourself and how to re-program yourself to a better outlook. It also helps you deal with toxic people who may give you very negative feedback about yourself,” says one reviewer.What Are You Waiting For? Get This Book Today.Go To The Top Right Of This Page and Click Buy Now!
  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

    Stephen Briers

    eBook (Pearson, )
  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

    Stephen Briers

    Paperback (Trans-Atlantic Publications, )