Catalogue of the birds of the tropical islands of the Pacific Ocean
British Museum. Dept. of Zoology
(, Sept. 13, 2013)
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1859 edition. Excerpt: 22. f. 2. Eudynamys taitensis, G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. ii. p. 464. Cuculus perlatus, Vieill. 'Arèva-Êèva' or Ara wereroa' or 'Ooea' of the natives of the Society Islands. Kaevaena' of the natives of the Marquesas Islands. Society Islands (Huaheine, Otaheite, Borabora); Feejee Islands; Cook's Islands (Hervey Island); Tonga Islands (Tongatabu); Marquesas Islands. Cuculus (cacomantis) Simus. Cuculus simus, Peale, U. S. Expl. Exped. p. 245. pl. 21. f. 1. Feejee Islands. Cuculus (cacomantis) Bronzinus. B.M. Cuculus (Cacomantis) bronzinus, G. R. Gray, Proc. Z. S. 1859, p. 164. New Caledonia (Island of Nu). Columbidjs. Ptilonopus Purpuratus. B.M. Purple-crowned Pigeon, Lath. Gen. Syn. ii. p. 626. Columba purpurata, Gmel. S.N. i. p. 784; G. Forst. Icon. ined. 140. Columba Kurukuru, Bonn. Columba Oopa, Wagl. Isis, 1829, p. 742. Columba Kurukuru, var. Taitensis, Less.Voy. de la Coqu. i. p. 297. Columba porphyracra, pt., Forst. Descr. &c. p. 167. Columba porphyrea, Wagl. Syst. Av. Col.sp. 31. Kurukuru DuPetithouarsii, Voy. de la Vénus, t. 7. Ptilonopus furcatus, Peale, U. S. Expl. Exped. p. 191. pl. 30. Ptilonopus Nebouxi, Des Murs. Kurutreron oopa, Pr. B. Consp. Av. ii. p. 26. Ptilonopus Oopa, G. R. Gray. Ptilonopuspurpuratus, G. R. Gray, List of Col. B.M.p. 4. Columba taitensis, Less. Compl. Buff. viii. p. 36. 'Oopa' or Oo-oopa' or 'Oopara' or ' Ouba ' of the natives of the Society Islands. Society Islands (Tahiti or New Cythera, Ulietea, Borabora); Feejee Islands (Ovolau). 1 Ptilonopus? Columba porphyracra, pt., Forst. Descr. &c. p. 167. Society Islands (Ulietea). Ptilonopus Mercieri. Kurukuru Mercieri, Des Murs. Ptilopus Mercieri, Pr. B. Consp. Av. ii. p. 22. Marquesas Islands (Noukahiva). Ptilonopus Chrysogaster....