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Books with title Captain Pamphile's Adventures

  • Captain Pamphile's Adventures

    Alexandre Dumas

    Hardcover (Oxford University Press, Jan. 14, 1971)
  • Captain Clumpy's Adventures

    richie cee

    eBook (, Sept. 17, 2015)
    Three adventures all in one book. Captain Clumpy tackle pirates on his adventures to Nose Island, Jelly Glow and at the Smoothie Olympics.Jamie is a dreamer. A boy who spends most of his spare time dreaming of captaining his own ship, crewed by his able assistants, travelling the world and having many great adventures. In his dreams Jamie transforms into Captain Clumpy, or rather Cap’n Clumpy as he is known. Blind in one eye after staring directly at the sun for too long, he wears a patch over his left eye. He lost half his leg during a big sea battle and struggles around making a clumping sound with is artificial leg. Jamie’s pet dog turns in to Snarler who becomes Cap’n Clumpy’s bodyguard. A rough and ready bull dog that scratches a lot, dribbles a lot, loves the water, eats anything and everything – his table manners are terrible – he is rather clumsy, but is a great protector and looks after the team during their travels. However, he often leaves a trail of disaster behind him.Jamie also has a pet budgie – called Budgie. But this is no ordinary budgie; in his dream Budgie transforms in to a fine looking eagle that soars high in the sky checking the way ahead and reporting back to Cap’n Clumpy. Budgie the eagle is rather posh, and thinks he is the clever member of Cap’n Clumpy’s crew. He navigates the ship and seems to be forever getting Cap’n Clumpy and Snarler out of some rather sticky situations. Jamie’s adventures always start when he enters the shed at the bottom of the garden. As soon as he sits in the scruffy looking deckchair that sits in the middle of the shed and closes his eyes then the dreams begin. The shed transforms into his ship, well, not really a ship it is more of an old wooden boat which is held together with rusty nails, seaweed and sticky tape. But to Cap’n Clumpy it is the finest ship that ever sailed the seas. With him at the helm, Budgie giving directions and Snarler standing guard, he feels invincible.