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Books with title Captain Cook and His Exploration of the Pacific

  • Captain Cook and the Pacific: Art, Exploration and Empire

    John McAleer, Nigel Rigby

    Hardcover (Yale University Press, Oct. 24, 2017)
    British Royal Navy Captain James Cook’s voyages of exploration across and around the Pacific Ocean were a marvel of maritime achievement, and provided the first accurate map of the Pacific. The expeditions answered key scientific, economic, and geographic questions, and inspired some of the most influential images of the Pacific made by Europeans. Now readers can immerse themselves in the adventure through the collections of London’s National Maritime Museum, which illuminate every aspect of the voyages: oil paintings of lush landscapes, scientific and navigational instruments, ship plans, globes, charts and maps, rare books and manuscripts, coins and medals, ethnographic material, and personal effects. Each artifact holds a story that sheds light on Captain Cook, the crews he commanded, and the effort’s impact on world history. Showcasing one of the richest resources of Cook-related material in the world, this publication invites readers to engage with the extraordinary voyages—manifested in material culture—and their continuing significance today.
  • Captain Cook and His Exploration of the Pacific

    Morriss Roger

    Hardcover (Ticktock Media, Feb. 7, 2002)
  • Captain Cook & His Exploration of the Pacific

    Roger Morriss

    Paperback (Barrons Juveniles, April 1, 1998)
    Recounts Captain James Cook's voyages to the Pacific, and places them in the context of their times
  • Captain Cook and His Exploration of the Pacific

    Roger Morriss

    Paperback (ticktock Media Ltd, Aug. 16, 2001)
    Unusual book
  • Captain Cook & His Exploration of the Pacific

    Guy Croton

    Library Binding (New Forest Pr, Aug. 1, 2010)
    Recounts Captain James Cook's voyages to the Pacific, his discoveries and accomplishments, and his lasting impact on the field of exploration and the world at large.
  • Captain James Cook: And the Explorers of the Pacific

    David Haney

    Hardcover (Chelsea House Pub, Jan. 1, 1992)
    Examines the life and journeys of Captain Cook
  • Captain Cook's Pacific Explorations

    Jane Bingham

    Library Binding (Heinemann, Sept. 24, 2007)
    How many times did Captain Cook cross the Pacific? Where was he forced to turn back by walls of ice--twice? Why did he meet such a tragic end? More than 200 years ago, Captain James Cook guided his small wooden sailing ship on three truly epic voyages across uncharted oceans. As one of the world’s greatest-ever navigators and explorers, he journeyed much farther than most jet-setting travelers fly today. Discover how Cook and his crew visited lands where Europeans had never set foot. Find out how they suffered tremendous hardship at sea, yet mapped thousands of miles of strange coastlines, marveled at the customs of local people, and recorded all kinds of exotic wildlife.
  • James Cook and the Exploration of the Pacific

    Charles J. Shields

    Library Binding (Chelsea House Pub, Aug. 1, 2001)
    Examines the life of explorer James Cook, focusing on his expeditions through the Pacific Ocean, exploring Tahiti, Australia, and New Zealand.
  • Captain Cook's Pacific Explorations

    Jane Bingham

    Paperback (Heinemann, Sept. 24, 2007)
    How many times did Captain Cook cross the Pacific? Where was he forced to turn back by walls of ice--twice? Why did he meet such a tragic end? More than 200 years ago, Captain James Cook guided his small wooden sailing ship on three truly epic voyages across uncharted oceans. As one of the world’s greatest-ever navigators and explorers, he journeyed much farther than most jet-setting travelers fly today. Discover how Cook and his crew visited lands where Europeans had never set foot. Find out how they suffered tremendous hardship at sea, yet mapped thousands of miles of strange coastlines, marveled at the customs of local people, and recorded all kinds of exotic wildlife.
  • James Cook and the Exploration of the Pacific

    Charles J. Shields

    Paperback (Chelsea House Pub, Oct. 1, 2001)
    Examines the life of explorer James Cook, focusing on his expeditions through the Pacific Ocean, exploring Tahiti, Australia, and New Zealand.
  • Captain Cook: Great Explorer of the Pacific

    Stephen Feinstein

    Library Binding (Enslow Pub Inc, March 1, 2010)
    Looking out from his ship, Captain James Cook saw a field of ice disappearing into the horizon. Cook and his crew had crossed the Antarctic Circle in search of a mythical Southern Continent, but could proceed no farther. Captain Cook had sailed thousands of miles on the Pacific Ocean, exploring many Pacific islands like Hawaii, Australia, and New Zealand. He made charts that would be used into the twentieth century and proved no mythical continent existed. Author Stephen Feinstein examines the life of this famed British explorer.
  • James Cook and the Exploration of the Pacific

    Charles J. Shields

    School & Library Binding (Topeka Bindery, )