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    Jan Pienkowski

    Hardcover (Knopf Books for Young Readers, Oct. 12, 1984)
    A tiny collection of Christmas verses from the Gospels of Luke and Matthew is illustrated in dark silhouettes with gilded borders and richly colored backgrounds
  • Christmas King

    Delsi Williams-Dyke

    language (Every Word Has A Song dba Delsi S. Williams-Dyke, Inc. (EWHAS) (ATOC)., Dec. 28, 2018)
    Christmas King is an haiku e-book.Christmas King has two haiku short forms qualitities quality.Christmas King has one introduction and twenty-three haiku poem, poetry.The subject is about how Christ has one lineage of royalty but his siblings has two one from each parent and their father takes good care of them. Christ is a bastard and was forced like many bastards to bare their father's sin and to live outside of Israel like God commanded. Try to ask God to forgive your sins and not have Christ in your prayers sometimes because he does bare his father's sin of rape and not being there that is why Mary was comforted with the news that she would bare a child that would...And sometimes Christ tires of being the sin barer for his dad. I saw in a dream.
  • CHRISTMAS-KING JAMES VER by Jan Pienkowski

    Jan Pienkowski

    Hardcover (Knopf Books for Young Readers, )
    Excellent Book
  • Christmas: The King James Version

    Jan Pienkowski

    Hardcover (Alfred a Knopf, March 15, 1984)