Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History Volume 31
Joel Asaph Allen
(RareBooksClub.com, May 19, 2012)
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1912 Excerpt: ...show a similar tendency to become elongated, and there are "steps," in outer view. Nevertheless the two species are undoubtedly distinct. E. laterigerus is much larger, the beak is greatly compressed and elongated, whereas in Fig 10. Edaphodon aga (Buckland). Right mandibular in oral (a), and outer (6), views. One of the co-types of E. "smockii" (Cope). No. 7192 Amer. Mus. X i. E. agassizi (smocki) it is abbreviated. In the former the anterior marginal prominence ("step") is rounded at the angle, whereas in the latter it is-sharp. A pair of well-preserved palatals of this species are also in the Cope collection (No. 7194 Amer. Mus.). They were found associated with mandibulars so that it seems reasonably certain that they belong to this species. Their form, in oral aspect, and the size and arrangement of the tritors is shown in Fig. 11. These palatals are relatively wide and shallow, grooved along the dorsal surface; the groove occupying about twothirds of the width of the upper surface. The lateral walls of the elements do not converge rapidly anteriorly. Fig. 11. Edaphodon agassizi (Buckland). Pair of palatal elements in oral aspect. No. 7194 Amer. Mus. X l. 1843. Chimara (Psittacodori) sedgwickii Agassiz, Poiss. Foss., IIl, p. 349, pl. xl, figs. 17, 18. 1843. Ischyodus sedgwicki (Agassiz) Egerton, Proc. Geol. Soc. London, IV, p. 156. 1847. Edaphodon sedgwicki (Agassiz) Egerton, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., IIl, p. 352. 1878. Edaphodon sedgwickii (Agassiz) Newton, Chim. Fishes Brit. Cret. Rocks, p. 7, pl. i, ii. 1901. Edaphodon sedgwicki (Agassiz) Woodward, Catal. Foss. Fishes Brit. Mus., II, p. 73. 1906. Edaphodon sedgwicki (Agassiz) Leriche, Poiss. Cr6t. du Nord de la France, p. 52. 1875. Ischyodus tripartitus Cope, Vert. Cret...