Read Reflect Respond A
Joanne Suter
(Saddleback Educational Publishing, Aug. 1, 2006)
Enhanced eBook, Read-Reflect-Respond A Comprehension Skill-Boosters Sample Selections: Samurai Warriors; Chimp Art; Getting a Passport; America's Buffalo SoldiersThis series is especially designed to quickly improve your students' ability to understand and retain what they read. The A to D organization of the worktexts provides progressively challenging activities ranging from simple recall to evaluations requiring higher-order thinking skills. Skills presented are cumulatively reinforced; each worktext reintroduces and builds on skills taught earlier. Equally appropriate as a refresher course for on-level students or as primary instruction for struggling students.Skills Covered following directions; identifying main idea; recalling details; making comparisons; identifying parts and wholes; activating prior knowledge; classifying/categorizing; distinguishing facts and opinions; identifying cause and effect; drawing conclusions; summarizing; making inferences; predicitng outcomes; paraphrasing; making generalizations; detecting propaganda; identifying author's purpose; using context clues to unlock word meaning Read Reflect Respond series. This series is especially designed to quickly improve your students' ability to understand and retain what they read. The A to D organization of the worktexts provides progressively challenging activities ranging from simple recall to evaluations requiring higher-order thinking skills. Skills presented are cumulatively reinforced; each worktext reintroduces and builds on skills taught earlier. Equally appropriate as a refresher course for on-level students or as a primary instruction for struggling students.