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Books with title Boneyard

  • Boneyard

    Janet Lorimer

    (Saddleback Educational Publishing, June 1, 2017)
    The beach town of Wreckers Cove is rugged, beautiful and just a little spookythe perfect place for a luxury resort. The towns Museum of the Macabre features a chilling new exhibit of human bones and skeletons. The owner claims theyre all fakebut journalist Wilma Roberts believes otherwise.
  • The Boneyard

    L. A. Kelley

    eBook (, Feb. 24, 2017)
    Never enter the boneyard. Never follow the scream.All rimriders know the legend of the boneyard; an uncharted area of dead space that navigators avoid at all cost. Any ship foolish enough to cross the boundary disappears leaving only the echo of an unearthly scream.****With the plasma net still in place at space station Deep Anchor, tensions between United Earth Corporation and Freetraders run high. As Jane continues her apprenticeship and prepares for the master navigator’s exam, the crew of the Solar Vortex makes a desperate attempt to run UEC’s blockade before the space station goes dark. Will success bring hope to the Freetrader cause or lead to the loss of someone dear and bring Jane’s world crashing down?
  • Boneyard

    Janet Lorimer

    Paperback (Saddleback Educational Publishing, Sept. 1, 2009)
    Reporter Wilma Roberts investigates when the developer at Wreckers Cove, where sailors and smugglers once died violently, uncovers bones and puts what are said to be copies in the Museum of the Macabre, and she comes to belieive that ghosts may be involved.
  • Bone Yard

    Carl Bowen, Marc Lee

    Library Binding (Stone Arch Books, Aug. 1, 2016)
    As a historic wildfire bears down on a desolate, close-knit community, the FIRESTORMERS the world’s newest, most elite wildfire fighting crew prepare to battle the blaze. Unfortunately, community members would rather die than leave their homes and belongings behind. As tornadoes of fire approach, Firestormer Amalia Rendon must convince citizens to evacuate before their community and everything in it becomes a smoldering bone yard.
  • The Boneyard

    L. A. Kelley

    Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, March 8, 2017)
    Never enter the boneyard. Never follow the scream. All rimriders know the legend of the boneyard, an uncharted area of dead space. Any ship foolish enough to cross the boundary vanishes, leaving behind only the echo of an unearthly scream. **** With the plasma net still in place at space station Deep Anchor, tensions between United Earth Corporation and Freetraders run high. As Jane continues her apprenticeship and prepares to take the master navigator’s exam, the crew of the Solar Vortex makes a desperate attempt to run UEC’s blockade before the space station goes dark. Will success bring hope to the Freetrader cause or lead to the loss of someone dear and bring Jane’s world crashing down?
  • Boneyard

    Janet Lorimer

    (Saddleback Educational Publishing, July 12, 2017)
    The beach town of Wreckers Cove is rugged, beautiful and just a little spooky—the perfect place for a luxury resort. The town’s Museum of the Macabre features a chilling new exhibit of human bones and skeletons. The owner claims they’re all fake—but journalist Wilma Roberts believes otherwise.