A companion release to the Summer 1995 movie finds Batman and his young apprentice, Robin, protecting Gotham City in a confrontation with villains Two-Face and The Riddler. Original. Movie tie-in.
Full-color photographs from the newest Batman movie illustrate a novelization of the caped crusader's and Robin's confrontation with archenemies Two-Face and the Riddler. Original. Movie tie-in.
Audio Cassette
(Baker & Taylor Video, July 15, 1995)
Two deadly criminals--Two-Face, a twisted former DA, and the Riddler, an evil computer genius--devise a sinister revenge plot against Gotham City, Batman, and Robin.
A companion release to the Summer 1995 movie finds Batman and his young apprentice, Robin, protecting Gotham City in a confrontation with villains Two-Face and The Riddler. Movie tie-in.