Army Rangers
C.F. Earl
(Mason Crest, Sept. 2, 2014)
The Rangers are some of the best-trained and most skilled soldiers in the Army. Their motto—Rangers lead the way!—is not just a slogan; in many of the modern conflicts in which the U.S. military has been involved, the Rangers have been among the first soldiers on the ground. In both Iraq and Afghanistan, Rangers carry out raid, ambush, and rescue missions, as well as many other kinds of operations. Army Rangers gives readers a view into the world of the highly skilled Seventy-Fifth Ranger Regiment, today's Rangers, as well as a look at the history of the unit. Since the Revolutionary War, Ranger tactics and standards have been some of the most effective in the entire military. The book also includes information about: • The tough training courses that all Rangers must endure. • What kinds of weapons the Rangers use today and throughout history. • How the modern Rangers were organized and put into action around the world.