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Books with title Archangelology, Metatron, Well-Being: If You Call Them They Will Come

  • Archangelology, Metatron, Well-Being: If You Call Them They Will Come

    Kim Caldwell, Rachel Caldwell, Grammarly Company

    eBook (Together Publishing, June 19, 2017)
    When Would You Call Metatron?1. You Want More Well-Being2. You Want to Work With Healing Sacred Geometry.3. You Want More Power.Meet Archangel MetatronArchangel Metatron is the Angel of Sacred Geometry and well-being. She/He takes you on a Divine Journey with healing grids of light and reinstalls your Earth Angel Wings to help you remember how to move to higher time and space dimensions. Metatron encourages us to utilize the power of sleep and astral time for deep self-healing for creating magnificent things. She/He helps us to identify unproductive implants and remove them when ready, with ease and grace. Archangel Haniel joins the party to infuse you with Divine Love and Light Codes. Enhancing your ability to receive and give love by reinstalling how truly worthy and deserving you are. Archangel Metatron makes a guest appearance to create a Divine Connection, so you are always connected to your Angels and can remember your magic and to call on them. Spend time with Archangel Metatron as they anchor your child-like feelings of bliss and well-being. These angelic infusions help you to relax and know everything is and will always be alright. Healing takes place within past, present and future timelines for Divine Peace releasing of the universal fears of the unknown that affect human consciousness, many times unbeknownst to us. There are visionary white light flowers that create a peaceful feeling of heaven on earth. Metatron helps to form energetic bubbles to give you a deep connection to your angels so that you may always connect with them. Adapting these mindsets will help shift your consciousness and make you a magnet for confidence, peace, and prosperity in new refreshed ways. There is no right or wrong way to use this tool. All these Divinely Intelligent Angelic Upgrades happen with grace and ease at the individual's comfortable pace. The only thing I recommend you keep in the forefront of your practice is to ensure you are enjoying the process. Meet the Archangels in the Archangelology Book and Audio Series that are here to help you at this time. If you call on Metatron, she/he will come, just as all of the Archangels will come to your assistance when beckoned. Spending time with Archangels creates a heavenly life. For your gifts from the Archangels visit
  • Archangelology, Archangel, Breath-Tap: If You Call Them They Will Come

    Kim Caldwell, Clair Caldwell, Rachel Caldwell

    eBook (Together Publishing, Sept. 7, 2019)
    Why would you experience Archangel Breath-Tap?1. You want to explore the energetic body for positive shifts.2. You want to explore the power of Breath-Work and Tapping combined with the Archangels.3. You want more Well-Being.If you are here experiencing this time-space reality as well as reading this book, you are a pioneer. I often think that we are in the “Wild West" of energy. It is all new. Humans are becoming aware that just because we can not see a "thing" does not mean it is not real or does not exist. It also creates a challenge because we are in a time where our energy alignment is becoming more important than ever, yet there does not appear to be a "user guide" for maintaining a healthy energy body. There are emerging teachings, and like anything else, we must be discerning. So I present this book to you with this request, "take the best and leave the rest." Everyone is unique and an individual. What works for you may not work for another and vice versa — this book is just a beginning to your energy studies. One thing is for sure, the more we focus and practice having a healthy energy body, the more we will learn and benefit. The Archangels are here at this time to help us tune-up and work with our energetic bodies. The human has fluent multi-dimensional energy bodies and intuitive magical fingers; the two go hand in hand. This energy field invisibly surrounds our physical body, with capabilities we are only beginning to understand. One thing is clear if we ask questions more answers will come. In this book, we set intentions to invigorate and heal our light bodies, also known as our energetic body with the help of the Archangels. As we set intentions, unseen beneficial forces move for us. I want to remind you that you are already working with your energetic light-body, many times unknowingly. We get more focused with more intention here. You are a Master, and the Archangels are here to assist you. You are a pioneer in this Energetic Universe and will explore many dimensions and worlds Together with your Archangels. May this book bring you Peace and Blessings. I have worked with Energy, Meditation, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Archangels, and Breath-Work for years; they have naturally become an Alchemy of sorts. Each powerful process stands on its own, so imagine the life enhancements when combined. The results must be experienced to understand how transformative they can be. I want to add that in life, people will always have challenges. This is simply another tool to help us "surf the waves" as I like to envision it. May this help you in marvelous ways.If you dedicate a daily practice of deep breathing with your Archangels and tapping, you can expect to create more well-being. These practices are also a great help during any challenges, so knowing them is to your advantage. As they say, "practice makes perfect." I also feel that these magical practices are aligned with feeling better. Gently tap your thymus (the middle of your chest) as you say to yourself or aloud, "I am attracting things to make me happy, vibrant, and healthy while taking deep, slow breaths. As rich, clean oxygen feeds your mind, body, and spirit. The Archangels are calling for a more interactive experience. As we get conscious of our thoughts, take deep healing breaths, and tap with intention; things will begin to shift for the better. Know in your heart that you have found a gift that works. Have faith and play with this process. Spending time with Archangels creates a heavenly life. If you call the Archangels, they will come. For gifts from the Archangels visit, let's get started.
  • Archangelology, Archangel Journaling: If You Call Them They Will Come

    Kim Caldwell, Grammarly Company

    eBook (Together Publishing, July 15, 2019)
    Discover the power of journaling with the Archangels today.Why would you journal with the Archangels?1. You want to explore the power of the written word. 2. You are adding power to any project. 3. You are enlisting the Archangels to help and be on your team.You may or may not have journaled in the past. You may be an avid journaler now. Either way here is a super boost to your journaling. We are going to embark on a process that you may get creative with to enhance your life and projects. We are going to crown your journaling process with success in a new and fun way. Have an open mind and expect the best. We will call the enchanting Archangels to help us with this and expect miracles. As Einstein said, "There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." Spending time with Archangels creates a heavenly life. The information I have put together is meant to work for your individualized wants and needs. It is not a prescribed set of general steps or rules, but rather it aims to help you on your particular journey and give you what you need to begin or grow in a mindset. There is no right or wrong way to use this tool. The only thing I recommend you keep in the forefront of your practice is to ensure you are enjoying the process. This piece is one of a series of Angelic Upgrade books that fill you with Divine Angelic codes. Angelic laws are based on love and light and thus, operate for free-will, so we must call and ask the Archangels for help. When working with your book relax, take deep breaths and ground to Mother Earth. Focus on Intentions for whatever it is your heart desires that are for the highest good of all involved. Intentions for these energies that we can not see but feel when we are ready. There are those that believe The Archangels are the Ones that make Law of Attraction Work.This series of books take on a life of its own as the Archangels move and play from book to book, creating a Delicious Alchemy. Each book becomes an instrument in this Celestial Symphony for a more fulfilling life. Many of the Archangel books also carry and infuse the Violet Flame.Become interactive with your book; when inspired, read the words aloud, and let them roll over you, feeling the love and magic that the Angels radiate. When inspired create your own rituals; there is no right or wrong way. As you play with the rock stars of the Celestial realm, you can expect your life to become more heavenly, more peaceful. You may Notice Many Words are Uniquely Capitalized throughout this series; this is yet another way the Angels infuse us. When you see this try to feel that word or phrase; sensing the depth of its Intensity of Pure Divine Light throughout your Being. A word about the length of this book. "Less is more." This Series of books is the result of decades of study in the art of Law of Attraction, Angelic knowing and energy healing, condensed here for you in a format that will shift and benefit the reader. Both Neville Goddard and Albert Einstein stated that our imagination is the creative force. Goddard went so far as to imply that our imagination is the Goddess-God Energy. I mention this to you because as you read these words with much more than your eyes, let your imagination run wild with vivid pictures of the love the magical Archangels have for you and of your adventures together. Enjoy. Now, let's get started.
  • Archangelology, Jophiel, Glow: If You Call Them They Will Come

    Kim Caldwell, Rachel Caldwell, Grammarly Company

    eBook (Together Publishing, June 19, 2017)
    Meet Archangel JophielWhen Would You Call Jophiel?1. You want to be more confident.2. You want to become more attractive.3. You want more loving relationships. As we work with Jophiel, we will start to infuse more confidence and self-forgiveness for meaningful relationships and deep self-love. Jophiel reminds us that self-love is key to our relationships and helps us to clear any outdated beliefs through all time, space, and dimensions. Understanding this practice brings us back to our God/dess Divine Selves, remembering who we are: blessed beings that radiate love and are worthy. Mastery of this takes practice and is well worth the effort for loving relationships. We will start to glow in ways we are just now coming to imagine.Archangel Jophiel introduces you to your Divine Unicorn who swirls your third eye with wisdom. Get reacquainted with your Unicorn who only wants the best for you. Remember the team of Divine Beings who adore you as they step forward and encircle you to infuse you with deep Divine Love and support. Feel the tingles as their precious energy fills you with knowing how valuable you are; knowing your self-worth. The Archangels work to remove any implants of fear-based thoughts and old programs that no longer serve you. Jophiel offers you a drink infused with the essence of inspired action, Peace, and Joy to help you feel your best. Adapting these mindsets will help shift your consciousness and make you a magnet for confidence, peace, and prosperity in new refreshed ways. There is no right or wrong way to use this book. All these Divinely Intelligent Angelic Upgrades happen with grace and ease at the individual's comfortable pace. The only thing I recommend you keep in the forefront of your practice is to ensure you are enjoying the process. Meet the Archangels in the Archangelology Book and Audio Series that are here to help you at this time. If you call on Jophiel, she/he will come, just as all of the Archangels will come to your assistance when beckoned. Spending time with Archangels creates a heavenly life. For you gifts from the Archangels visit
  • Archangelology, Raziel, Wisdom: If You Call Them They Will Come

    Kim Caldwell, Rachel Caldwell, Grammarly Company

    eBook (Together Publishing, June 19, 2017)
    Meet Archangel Raziel.Why would You Call Raziel.1.Wisdom for Money, Health 2. Planting Seeds for an Amazing Life​3. See The Way To Go For Desired Results.Archangel Raziel imbues us with Divine Wisdom, helping us to make Divine decisions that empower us with a more inspired and joyful life. The value of Wisdom as a component of creating a fulfilling life often is not emphasized enough. Wisdom to invest well, Wisdom to create amazing relationships, and Wisdom to feel our best and make beneficial choices for our well being. Archangel Raziel helps us to plant seeds in for desired results. Planting seeds for our health, our relationships, and our money. As we set a powerful intention and ask this angel for help, we can expect upward momentum. To further plant and grow seeds, we embark on an energetic journey into a glowing crystal-covered cave. Archangel Raziel offers us drinks to fill us with the essence of wisdom for our health, relationships, and abundance. There is a guest visit from the gorgeous Mary Magdalene who holds secret wisdom about love to share with you. Archangel Raziel will charge a crystal for you so that you may always be connected to your Angels. Zadkiel helps you plant seeds in your life for more health, love, and abundance. Adapting these mindsets will help you shift your consciousness and make you a magnet for confidence, peace, and prosperity in new refreshed ways. There is no right or wrong way to use this tool. All these Divinely Intelligent Angelic Upgrades happen with grace and ease at the individual's comfortable pace. The only thing I recommend you keep in the forefront of your practice is to ensure you are enjoying the process. Meet the Archangels in the Archangelology Book and Audio Series that are here to help you at this time. If you call on Raziel, she/he will come, just as all of the Archangels will come to your assistance when beckoned. Spending time with Archangels creates a heavenly life. For gifts from the Archangels visit