A.L.A. catalog, 1904-1911; Class list. 3,000 titles for a popular library
American Library Association
(RareBooksClub.com, July 4, 2012)
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1912 edition. Excerpt: ...( Robinson, Edward Van Dyke. Commercial geography. 1910. 455p. illus. maps. Rand, McNally $1.25 n interesting, concrete work, with more emphasis on economic features and commerce than on geography. Commercial geography 10-23971/2 910.2 Travelers' manual. Guidebooks Hopkins, Albert Allis, comp. Scientific American handbook of travel. 1910. 503p. illus. Munn $2 Collection of every kind of information that n traveler might want: hints for the voyage, advice and regulations for automobliists, itineraries, lists of hotels, guide to London and Paris, etc. Arrangement unsystematic and index inadequate. Travel Europe--Description and travel 10-10266/4 910.4 Circumnavigations, ocean travel, shipwrecks, etc. Conrad, Joseph. Mirror of the sea. 1906. 328p. Harper $1.50 Sketches drawn from experience and full of the breath of the sea, picturing the romance and realities of the days of the old sailing vessels. N.Y. Seafaring life 6-37221/3 O'Connor, William Douglas. Heroes of the storm. 1904. 281p. Houghton $1.50 Tales of shipwreck and gallant rescues, selected from official reports of life-saving service. interest enhanced by marked literary power. N.Y. Shipwrecks Life-saving 4-29197/4 Reynolds, Stephen. Alongshore. 1910. 325p. illus. Macmillan $1.20 n Sympathetic and sincere interpretation of the life of the longshoreman on the English coast, by an educated man who for the time being has thrown in his lot with the fisher people. Ocean Fishermen 10-23648/4 910.7 Study and teaching Sutherland, William James. Teaching of geography. 1909. 292p. illus. Scott $1.25 includes nature, scope and relation to other sciences and to life: plan and method of teaching: practical suggestions for supplementary work, illustrative material, etc. Covers about the same ground as...