A Visit from the Good Night Fairy
Renee Frances, Mary Curk, Romaine Tacey
(Somnus Stuff, Sept. 3, 2018)
Moving from the crib into a big-kid bed is exciting! The added freedom means that toddlers may make their way out of their bed several times per night. Never fear, exhausted adults! The Good Night Fairy can help motivate children to stay in their own bed throughout the night, so that the whole family can have a good night's sleep. In A Visit from the Good Night Fairy: Second Edition: A typical night becomes absolutely magical when a tired toddler finally sleeps through the night on his own! Complete with a Good Night's Sleep sticker chart and three reusable Potty Passes, this Second Edition of A Visit from the Good Night Fairy is an invaluable tool that will help motivate your child to sleep through the night on his own.