A Treatise on Spherical Astronomy
Robert S. Ball
(Forgotten Books, June 13, 2012)
Vi PREFACE The work on the subject to which I have most frequently turned while preparing this volume is Briinnow sS pherical A stronomy, a most excellent book which is available in English andF rench translations as well as in its original German. A mong recent authors I have consulted Valentiner sextensive Handworterbuch derA stronomie which no student of astronomy can afford to overlook, and I have learned much from the admirable writings of Professor Newcomb. I have to acknowledge with many thanks the assistance which friends have kindly rendered to me. Mr Arthur Berry has furnished me with many solutions of exercises, more especially ofT ripos questions. Dr J. L. E. Dreyer has read over the chapter on Aberration and made useful suggestions. Mr W. E. Hartley has helped in the correction of the proofs as well as in the revision of parts of the manuscript. Mr A. R. Hinks has given me help in the correction of the proofs and I am also indebted to him for assistance in the chapter on theS olar Parallax. Dr A. A. Rambaut has devoted much time to the reading of proofs and has assisted in many other ways. Mr F. J. M. Stratton has revised some of the pages, especially those on the rotation of the moon. Dr E. T. Whittaker has given me useful suggestions especially in the chapter on Refraction, and he has also helped in reading proofs, and my son, Mr R. S. Ball, has drawn many of the diagrams. Lastly, I must acknowledge my obligation to theS yndics of the University Press, who have metall my wishes in the kindest manner. The list of parallaxes of stars (p. 328) is based on more extensive lists given by Newcomb inT heS tars and Kapteyn in the Groniugen publications No. 8. The results stated for aC entauri, Sirius and aG ruis have been obtained byS ir D. Gill; those for Procyon, A ltair, A ldebaran, Capella, Vega, A rcturus, by Dr Elkin ;that for Cordoba Zone 5h 243(Typographical errors above are due to OCR software and don't occur in the book.)