A token for children;
James Janeway
(RareBooksClub.com, May 10, 2012)
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1811 Excerpt: ...spending all the time, either in secret prayer or reading the Scriptures and good books; learning his catechism and hearing the word of God and public duties; and was not only careful in the performance of those duties himself, but was ready to put all that he knew upon the strict observance of the Lord's day, and was exceedingly grieved at the profanation of it. One Lord's day, a servant of his father's going out of the house upon an extraordinary occasion. to fetch something that was wanted, he took on so bitterly, that he could scarce be pacified, because that holy day was so abused, (hs he thought,) in his father's house. 15. When he was between six and seven years old, it pleased God to afflict him with sore eyes, which was no small grief to him, because it kept him from school, which he loved as much as many boys do their play; and, that which was worse, he was commanded by the doctor not to read any book whatsoever at home. But O how was this poor child grieved, that he might not have liberty to read the Holy Scriptures! and, for all their charge, he would get by himself, and stand by the window and read the Bible, and other good books; yea, he was so greedy of reading the Scriptures, and took so much delight in them,that he would scarce allow himself time to dress himself j for reading the word of God was his great delight. Yea, though he had been beat for studying so much, yet, judging it God's command that he should give himself up to reading, he could not be beat off from it, till he was so bad, that he had like never to have recovered his sight more. 16'. It was his practice to be much by himself in secret prayer; and he was careful to manage that work, so that it might be as secret as possible it could be; but his frequency and constancy made i...