Ladder to the Stars
Simon Puttock, Alison Jay
(Lincoln Children's Books, March 27, 2006)
A 7-year-old girl gazes out of her bedroom window, and makes a wish to climb right up in the sky and dance with the stars. A star hears her wish and makes a plan with the moon, the sun and the wind, who plant a seed in the corner of the little girl's garden. A tree begins to grow, until 100 years later it towers up into the sky. The little girl is now an old, old lady of 107. One evening she is kept awake by the same star, who has remembered the wish of long ago and invites her to climb the tree and come and dance. So, despite her aching back and trembling limbs, the old lady rubs her hands on the bark for luck, and begins to climb... This is a lyrical, mystical tale about the passing of time and regeneration, with exquisite and magical illustrations by Alison Jay.