A Dog Named Boo-Boo
Linda L. Hoffman
(Independently published, Nov. 25, 2017)
This terrier-poodle, “Boo-Boo,” rides motorcycles, attempts waterskiing, and bites cars. Friends and family get visits from Boo-Boo, because this dog memorizes addresses. After strutting down Main Street and stopping traffic, Boo-Boo gets arrested. He dies on numerous adventures, but miraculously comes back to life. Laughter and love are inspired by this peppy pup! His owner, Lucy, learns to survive the demands of school, friends, and her family with the joy of her dear dog. Boo-Boo and Lucy share bike rides, late-night-storms, and snuggles of love. Lake Michigan and the Sleeping Bear Dunes challenge this dog and his owner by Pt. Betsie Lighthouse. Later, it’s a bloody ride in the snow, when this little canine demonstrates his deepest devotion to Lucy. Read and enjoy the tales of a tail-wagging terrier!