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Books in Your Coach in a Box series

  • No Excuses!: The Power of Self-Discipline; 21 Ways to Achieve Lasting Happiness and Success

    Brian Tracy

    Audio CD (Gildan Media, May 17, 2010)
    Most people think success comes from good luck or enormous talent, but many successful people achieve their accomplishments in a simpler way: through self-discipline.Brian Tracy knows this firsthand: He didn't graduate from high school, and after working for a few years as a laborer, he realized he had limited skills and a limited future. But through the power of self-discipline, he changed his life, achieving success in sales and marketing, investing, real estate development, and management consulting. He has consulted to more than 1,000 companies, given motivational speeches and seminars to more than 4 million people in 40 countries, and written 45 books.No Excuses! shows you how you can achieve success in all three major areas of your life:1. Your personal goals: self-discipline can help you realize that you are responsible for your success and shows you how persistence really does pay off.2. Your business and money goals: self-discipline can make you a better leader and a better manager, help you close more sales and make more money, improve your time-management and problem- solving abilities, and make you more effective and successful at work.3. Your overall happiness: self-discipline can help you be happier, healthier, and more physically fit, and it can help you in your marriage and your relationships with your children and friends.Each of the 21 chapters in this audio book shows you how to be more disciplined in one aspect of your life, with end- of-chapter exercises to help you apply the �no excuses� approach to your own life. With these guidelines, you can learn how to be more successful in everything you do-instead of wistfully envying others who you think are just �luckier� than you. a little self-discipline goes a long stop making excuses and listen to this audio book!
  • The Challenger Sale: Taking Control of the Customer Conversation

    Matthew Dixon, Brent Adamson, Authors

    Audio CD (Gildan Media, Jan. 23, 2012)
    What's the secret to sales success? If you're like most business leaders, you'd say it's fundamentally about relationships-and you'd be wrong. The best salespeople don't just build relationships with customers. They challenge them.The need to understand what top-performing reps are doing that their average performing colleagues are not drove Matthew Dixon, Brent Adamson, and their colleagues at Corporate Executive Board to investigate the skills, behaviors, knowledge, and attitudes that matter most for high performance. And what they discovered may be the biggest shock to conventional sales wisdom in decades.Based on an exhaustive study of thousands of sales reps across multiple industries and geographies, The Challenger Sale argues that classic relationship building is a losing approach, especially when it comes to selling complex, large-scale business-to-business solutions. The authors' study found that every sales rep in the world falls into one of five distinct profiles, and while all of these types of reps can deliver average sales performance, only one-the Challenger- delivers consistently high performance.Instead of bludgeoning customers with endless facts and features about their company and products, Challengers approach customers with unique insights about how they can save or make money. They tailor their sales message to the customer's specific needs and objectives. Rather than acquiescing to the customer's every demand or objection, they are assertive, pushing back when necessary and taking control of the sale.The things that make Challengers unique are replicable and teachable to the average sales rep. Once you understand how to identify the Challengers in your organization, you can model their approach and embed it throughout your sales force. The authors explain how almost any average-performing rep, once equipped with the right tools, can successfully reframe customers' expectations and deliver a distinctive purchase experience that drives higher levels of customer loyalty and, ultimately, greater growth.
  • First 90 Days

    Michael D. Watkins, Kevin T. Norris

    Audio CD (Gildan Media, Aug. 8, 2011)
    You've just been promoted to a new leadership position. You're not yet sure of the challenges ahead or how you will meet them. All you know is that you have three months to get on top of the job and move forward, or fail.This audiobook is your road map for taking charge quickly and effectively during critical career transition periods, whether you're a first-time manager or a new CEO. Written by noted leadership transition expert Michael Watkins, The First 90 Days outlines proven strategies that will dramatically shorten the time it takes to reach what Watkins calls the "breakeven point": the point at which your organization needs you as much as you need the job.Whether you are charged with launching a start-up, leading a turnaround, orchestrating a realignment, or sustaining a high-performing unit, The First 90 Days will help you to develop a transition acceleration plan that is tailored to your situation, your level of seniority and expertise, and the condition of your organization.Refuting the pervasive belief that new leaders should be left to "sink or swim", here is a proactive planning approach that can make your career and ensure your organization's future.Download the accompanying reference guide.
  • Trading in the Zone: Master the Market with Confidence, Discipline and a Winning Attitude

    Mark Douglas, Walter Dixon

    Audio CD (Gildan Media, April 29, 2011)
    Maximizing the trader's state of mind is the key to successful results. Conflicts, contradictions and paradoxes in thinking can spell disaster for even a highly motivated, astute and well grounded trader. Mark Douglas, a trader, personal trading coach, and industry consultant since 1982, sends the message that "thinking strategy" will profoundly influence a trader's success rate. Douglas addresses five very specific issues to give traders the insight and understanding about themselves that will make them consistent winners in the market.Trading In The Zone offers specific solutions to the �people factor� of commodity price movement. It uncovers the true culprit for lack of consistency when it comes to stock picking: lack of focus and self-confidence. Through simple exercises, traders will learn how to think in terms of probabilities, and adopt the specific beliefs necessary to developing a winner's mindset. Along the way, they'll gain valuable insights into their own entrenched misconceptions about the market.Backed by compelling examples, Trading In The Zone adds a new dimension to getting an edge on the market. Through a better understanding of themselves, as well as of Wall Street's realities, traders will come to leverage the power of their psyche for unprecedented profitability.
  • Think and Grow Rich

    Napoleon Hill, Mitch Horowitz, Theresa Puskar, Erik Synnestvedt

    Audio CD (Gildan Media, March 1, 2015)
    Think and Grow Rich is the number one Inspirational and motivational classic for individuals who are interested in furthering their lives and reaching their goals by learning from important figures in history. The text read in this audio book is the original 1937 edition written by Napoleon Hill and inspired by Andrew Carnegie and while it has often been reproduced, no updated version has ever been able to compete with the original. It has been used as a roadmap to achievement by countless individuals. The 13 Steps to Riches described in this audio book offer the shortest dependable philosophy of individual achievement ever presented for the benefit of the man or woman who is searching for a definite goal in life. It comes directly from the experiences of hundreds of America's most successful men. The 13 Principles of Success 1. Desire 2. Faith 3. Auto-suggestion 4. Specialized Knowledge 5. Imagination 6. Organized Planning 7. Decision 8. Persistence 9. The Master Mind 10. The Mystery of Sex Transmutation 11. The Subconscious Mind 12. The Brain 13. The Sixth Sense ... and outwit your Fears Hill interviewed 504 people, including Ford, Wrigley, Wanamaker, Eastman, Rockefeller, Edison, Woolworth, Darrow, Burbank, Morgan, Firestone, and three United States Presidents. The process of conducting these interviews required an investment of twenty years of Napoleon Hill's life This audio book will guide many to success, and has sold millions of printed copies for nearly three quarters of a century. Yes, one can gather from the title, that the starting place for wealth is in a person's thoughts and this title is the source for most of today's motivational speakers.. So why not go back to the original source? "Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve." "A quitter never wins and a winner never quits." "Success requires no explanations. Failure permits no alibis"
  • The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion

    Jonathan Haidt

    Audio CD (Gildan Media, July 17, 2012)
    Why can't our political leaders work together as threats loom and problems mount? Why do people so readily assume the worst about the motives of their fellow citizens? In The Righteous Mind, social psychologist Jonathan Haidt explores the origins of our divisions and points the way forward to mutual understanding. His starting point is moral intuition-the nearly instantaneous perceptions we all have about other people and the things they do. These intuitions feel like self-evident truths, making us righteously certain that those who see things differently are wrong. Haidt shows us how these intuitions differ across cultures, including the cultures of the political left and right. He blends his own research findings with those of anthropologists, historians, and other psychologists to draw a map of the moral domain, and he explains why conservatives can navigate that map more skillfully than can liberals. He then examines the origins of morality, overturning the view that evolution made us fundamentally selfish creatures. But rather than arguing that we are innately altruistic, he makes a more subtle claim-that we are fundamentally groupish. It is our groupishness, he explains, that leads to our greatest joys, our religious divisions, and our political affiliations. In a stunning final chapter on ideology and civility, Haidt shows what each side is right about, and why we need the insights of liberals, conservatives, and libertarians to flourish as a nation.
  • Ready, Fire, Aim: Zero to $100 Million in No Time Flat

    Michael Masterson, Sean Pratt

    Audio CD (Gildan Media, Jan. 15, 2008)
    If you had the opportunity to work where, when, and with whom you wanted - all while getting paid very well - would you take it? Self-made multimillionaire and best-selling author Michael Masterson did, and with Ready, Fire, Aim he'll show you how to do the same.Whether you're thinking about starting a new business or growing an existing one, Ready, Fire, Aim has what you need to succeed in your entrepreneurial endeavors. In it, Masterson shares the knowledge he has gained from creating and expanding numerous businesses and outlines a focused strategy for guiding a small business through the four stages of entrepreneurial growth. Along the way, you'll learn the skills needed to succeed in this dynamic environment. Discover how to:Start a business from scratch and make it profitable quicklyKeep a growing business growingGet other people to do almost all the hard work for you, so you are free to do the fun stuffPosition yourself as an indispensable business builder, so you can enjoy a big share of the profits - even if you are only working part timeDuplicate your winning strategy in several businesses so you never have to worry about "needing" any one of them.Over the course of his remarkably successful career, Masterson has developed dozens of businesses, including one still growing at $300 million. Now he shows you how to outsell your competitors by implementing innovative operational procedures to reduce costs and using the power of the Internet to reduce customer complaints and increase profits.
  • Andrew Carnegie

    David Nasaw, Grover Gardner

    MP3 CD (Gildan Media, March 1, 2015)
    Andrew Carnegie, whose lifetime spanned the era from the beginning of the Industrial Revolution to the First World War was America's first modern titan. In this magnificent biography, celebrated historian David Nasaw brings to life this period of unprecedented transition-a time of self-made millionaires, scabs, strikes, and a new kind of philanthropy-through the fascinating rags-to-riches story of one of our most iconic business legends.The Scottish-born son of a failed weaver and a mother who supported the family by binding shoes, Andrew Carnegie was the embodiment of the American dream. In his rise from a job as a bobbin boy in a cotton factory to being the richest man in the world, he was single-minded, relentless, and a major player in some of the most violent and notorious labor strikes of the time. The prototype of today's billionaire, he was a visionary in the way he earned his money and in the way he gave it away.Nasaw explains how Carnegie made his fortune and how he tried to pull the world back from a war he predicted. Brimming with new material, personal letters, diaries, prenuptial agreements, letters to and from presidents and prime ministers, Nasaw plumbs the core of this fascinating man, fixing him in his place as one of the most compelling, elusive, and multifaceted personalities of the 20th century.
  • The Drunkard's Walk: How Randomness Rules Our Lives

    Leonard Mlodinow, Sean Pratt

    Audio CD (Gildan Media, June 11, 2008)
    In this irreverent and illuminating audiobook, acclaimed writer and scientist Leonard Mlodinow shows us how randomness, chance, and probability reveal a tremendous amount about our daily lives, and how we misunderstand the significance of everything from a casual conversation to a major financial setback. As a result, successes and failures in life are often attributed to clear and obvious causes, when in actuality they are more profoundly influenced by chance.The rise and fall of your favorite movie star or the most reviled CEO-in fact, all our destinies-reflects chance as much as planning and innate abilities. Even Roger Maris, who beat Babe Ruth's single season home run record, was in all likelihood not great, but just lucky.How could it have happened that a wine was given five out of five stars by one journal and called the worst wine of the decade by another? Wine ratings, school grades, political polls, and many other things in daily life are less reliable than we believe. By showing us the true nature of chance and revealing the psychological illusions that cause us to misjudge the world around us, Mlodinow gives fresh insight into what is really meaningful and how we can make decisions based on a deeper truth. From the classroom to the courtroom, from financial markets to supermarkets, from the doctor's office to the Oval Office, Mlodinow's insights will intrigue, awe, and inspire. Offering listeners not only a tour of randomness, chance and probability but also a new way of looking at the world, this original, unexpected journey reminds us that much in our lives is about as predictable as the steps of a stumbling man afresh from a night at a bar.
  • This Time is Different: Eight Centuries of Financial Folly

    Carmen Reinhart, Kenneth S. Rogoff, Sean Pratt

    Audio CD (Gildan Media, Oct. 20, 2009)
    Throughout history, rich and poor countries alike have been lending, borrowing, crashing--and recovering--their way through an extraordinary range of financial crises. Each time, the experts have chimed, "this time is different"--claiming that the old rules of valuation no longer apply and that the new situation bears little similarity to past disasters. This book proves that premise wrong. Covering sixty-six countries across five continents, This Time Is Different presents a comprehensive look at the varieties of financial crises, and guides us through eight astonishing centuries of government defaults, banking panics, and inflationary spikes--from medieval currency debasements to today's subprime catastrophe. Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff, leading economists whose work has been influential in the policy debate concerning the current financial crisis, provocatively argue that financial combustions are universal rites of passage for emerging and established market nations. The authors draw important lessons from history to show us how much--or how little--we have learned. Using clear, sharp analysis and comprehensive data, Reinhart and Rogoff document that financial fallouts occur in clusters and strike with surprisingly consistent frequency, duration, and ferocity. They examine the patterns of currency crashes, high and hyperinflation, and government defaults on international and domestic debts--as well as the cycles in housing and equity prices, capital flows, unemployment, and government revenues around these crises. While countries do weather their financial storms, Reinhart and Rogoff prove that short memories make it all too easy for crises to recur. This Time Is Different exposes centuries of financial missteps.
  • The Art of War

    Sun Tzu, Victoria Gordon, Don Hagen

    Audio CD (Gildan Media, Aug. 16, 2011)
    This Chinese treatise on war was written by Sun Tzu in the 6th century BC. Each one of the 13 chapters is devoted to a different aspect of warfare, making it the definitive work on military strategies and tactics of its time. Studied by generals from Napoleon to Rommel it is still one of the most influential works on the subject and is required reading in most military academies around the world. Although it was meant to be a practical guide to warfare in the age of chariots, this seminal work on the philosophy of successful leadership is as applicable to contemporary business as it is to war, and has become increasingly popular today among corporate and political leaders.
  • Love, Magic and Mudpies: Raising Your Kids to Feel Loved, Be Kind, and Make a Difference

    Bernie Siegel

    Audio CD (Gildan Media, Nov. 1, 2007)
    During his many years working with thousands of patients and their families, Dr. Bernie Siegel became an expert on how to turn sometimes trying situations into opportunities for personal growth. In his newest book, this husband of more than 50 years, father of five children, and grandparent of eight, shares the gems garnered from his practice and his own family life to show readers what he's learned about raising kids with love, wisdom, and humor.How much time with you do your kids need? How do you teach your children values? When kids misbehave, how do you mix appropriate anger and discipline with love? What are some ways to help children adjust to separation or divorce? Should you get a family pet? With a wealth of quotes, anecdotes, parenting tips, and his comforting, caring, down-to-earth tone, Dr. Siegel addresses the myriad questions that parents face as they strive to guide their kids to happy, healthy adulthood. Delivered with just the right dose of compassion, inspiration, and gentle humor, Love, Magic, and Mudpies is an insightful and supportive guide to every aspect of parenting.The doctor is in: don't miss more from Bernie Siegel.