The reader, as a detective for the Acme Detective Agency, pursues Carmen Sandiego and her gang around the world in an attempt to find four stolen treasures
Readers visit the scenes of seven baffling crimes, question the suspects, piece together the clues and the evidence, and then assemble the jigsaw puzzle at the end of each case to see if they have the right culprit. Original.
The reader, as a detective for the Acme Detective Agency, pursues Carmen Sandiego and her gang through time in an attempt to find four stolen treasures.
Young detectives must trail archvillain Carmen Sandiego and her gang of crafty crooks through the universe, uncovering precious treasures along the way. Original.
The reader must recover the priceless treasures stolen by Carmen Sandiego, including Ben Franklin's glasses, the old port of New York, General Lee's horse, and the Apollo 8 space capsule