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Books in Weirdo Academy series

  • The Accidental Quarterback: Book 1

    Charles Curtis

    Paperback (Month9Books, LLC, Nov. 7, 2017)
    Alexander Graham Ptuiac, the son of an inventor, dreams of playing football. But his dreams are thwarted by his lack of athleticism and overall lanky build. Like any kid with a dream, Alex tries out anyway, just in case. If nothing else, maybe he can win the role of water boy. So when Alex suddenly manifests superhuman powers during football tryouts, Alex can't believe his good luck. But his new abilities can get him kicked off the team; unless Alex can keep it a secret long enough to find out how the heck he got this way. Enter Dex, a diminutive classmate who can somehow jump as high as ten feet in the air. Now, Alex isn't the only one at school with a secret. Except, the boys have caught the attention of some pretty nefarious adults, intent on making sure neither Alex nor Dex make it through the season. When truth is stranger than fiction and adults are out to get you, there's only one thing to do. Play ball!
  • The Impossible Pitcher: Book 2

    Charles Curtis

    Paperback (Month9Books, LLC, Nov. 7, 2017)
    Alex and Dex are local heroes. Suddenly, everyone wants to be friends with Alex, Dex and Sophi. But someone more powerful than Alex and Dex lurks in the background, keeping a close watch until it's time to swoop in and capture them. Still, Alex tried to maintain some semblance of normalcy. He wants to play baseball. As Alex becomes a formidable pitcher, his powers grow and so does his obsession with controlling his powers. With Alex finding less and less time for Dex and Sophi, Dex discovers his cat-like abilities disappear soon after he starts spending time with a girl. As the friends struggle to maintain their friendships, that mysterious someone gets closer and closer. Can the three friends find their way back to one another before it's too late? Or will middle school tear them apart for good?