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Books in Trailblazer Book Series series

  • The Mayflower Secret: Introducing Governor William Bradford

    Dave Jackson, Neta Jackson

    Paperback (Castle Rock Creative, Incorporated, Aug. 31, 2016)
    THE MAYFLOWER SECRET, Introducing Governor William Bradford -- Thirteen-year-old Elizabeth Tilley and her family have been waiting for this day for months—the day the Mayflower sets sail from England. The late start means uncertain weather and a long, hard journey for everyone. But the trip seems especially rough for Dorothy Bradford, the frail young wife of William Bradford. One night, Elizabeth discovers Dorothy alone on deck. Thinking the woman wants to be alone, Elizabeth returns to bed. But the next morning, she awakes to the news that Dorothy has disappeared! Afraid that William Brafford will blame her for his wife’s death, Elizabeth tells no one what she saw that night. When they finally arrive in the New World, many passengers become very ill. Several of them die before the new colony is established, including Elizabeth’s parents. Left an orphan, Elizabeth must deal with her terrible secret alone. How can she ever face Governor Bradford again? If she dares to tell the truth, will it ruin her chance for happiness in the new colony? Alone in the New World, Elizabeth guards a shocking secret. . . .
  • Spy for the Night Riders: Introducing Martin Luther

    Dave Jackson, Neta Jackson

    Paperback (Castle Rock Creative, Incorporated, June 18, 2016)
    SPY FOR THE NIGHT RIDERS Introducing Martin Luther Karl Schumacher was fifteen when he came to the German city of Wittenberg in 1520 seeking an education. He had been very fortunate that the esteemed university professor Doctor Martin Luther, had taken him into his household as a servant. Luther’s promise of tutoring Karl in exchange for his labor was the chance of a lifetime-until a poster on the church door declared his master a heretic! Karl is asked to travel with Doctor Luther to appear before the emperor’s Imperial Council in the city of Worms. Will his life be at stake as well as Luther’s? And who is the mysterious young lady who shadows their trip? Could she be a spy for Luther’s enemy, Doctor Eck? Or might the night riders be secret supporters of Luther? With danger lurking on every side, who can Karl trust?
  • The Drummer Boy's Battle: Introducing Florence Nightingale

    Dave Jackson, Neta Jackson

    Paperback (Castle Rock Creative, Inc., Aug. 18, 2016)
    THE DRUMMER BOY'S BATTLE, Introducing Florence Nightingale -- After their father dies, Robbie Robinson and his older brother, Peter, join the British army in order to make a living for their family. At first, army life is exciting, even fun. Then in 1854, they are sent to Russia to right in the Crimean War—Peter as a member of the famous Light Horse Brigade and twelve-year-old Robbie as a drummer boy. But the brothers are separated during the doomed charge of the Light Brigade, and Robbie fears for Peter’s life. An injury to his left hand brings Robbie to Barracks Hospital in Scutari, Turkey, where he hopes to find Peter. Instead he meets Florence Nightingale, a nurse working hard to change for the better the way nurses do their jobs. Robbie becomes Florence’s "right-hand man," running errands, delivering messages, and reporting alarming hospital conditions to her. But the doctors and officers running the hospital want to put a stop to Florence’s improvements. Will Robbie and his friend find a way to succeed in spite of the challenges? Soldiers are dying all around him, and only Florence Nightingale can help save them!
  • Exiled to the Red River: Introducing Chief Spokane Garry

    Dave Jackson, Neta Jackson

    Paperback (Castle Rock Creative, Incorporated, Oct. 4, 2016)
    EXILED TO THE RED RIVER, Introducing Chief Spokane Garry -- A great sickness has swept through the Indian nations, killing several of the Spokane tribe and many others from neighboring tribes. The faith of the Spokane is nearly broken when they realize the smallpox epidemic has killed those who believe in the Creator of All as well as those who don’t believe in Him. How can evil men live while good men die? Why should they continue to obey the Creator’s laws if He takes away innocent lives? But when white-skinned men arrive with the Leaves of Life—a book telling how to get to heaven—the Spokane chief agrees to send Garry, his youngest son, to learn more about God. Garry is confused and uncertain about the reason for his travels, but as he begins the first of four years at the Christian school, he soon realizes the saving grace of God and can’t wait to return to his homeland to share the Good News with the Indian nations. WHAT CAN GARRY LEARN AT A CHRISTIAN SCHOOL THAT WILL INTEREST THE REST OF HIS PEOPLE?
  • Escape from the Slave Traders: Introducing David Livingstone

    Dave Jackson, Neta Jackson

    Paperback (Castle Rock Creative, Inc., June 22, 2016)
    ESCAPE FROM THE SLAVE TRADERS Introducing David Livingstone An urgent call for help cut through the morning mists that floated along the shore of Lake Shirwa. Two young African boys, Wikatani and Chuma, had been captured by slave traders, but the desperate cry would never reach their village. Easily overpowered by their captors, the boys’ only hope is to endure a ruthless march through the jungles that takes them far from their village to a destination unknown. Where are the cruel Red Caps taking them? What chance might the boys have to escape? If they manage to escape, how will they ever find their way home again? Fortunately for Wikatani and Chuma, there is help on the way. David Livingstone, a missionary and British government official, is doing everything he can to put a halt to the slave traders who are devastating southeastern Africa during the 1860s. But is there any reason to hope that he might help two young boys? Will they have the courage to face the phenomenal adventure and peril before them?
  • The Fate of the Yellow Woodbee: Introducing Nate Saint

    Dave Jackson, Neta Jackson

    Paperback (Castle Rock Creative, Incorporated, Aug. 25, 2016)
    THE FATE OF THE YELLOW WOODBEE, Introducing Nate Saint -- Eleven-year-old Niwa is from Ecuador’s Huaorani tribe, better known as the Auca tribe, which is known for killing outsiders. The Aucas trust no one, not even neighboring tribes, so when young Niwa is outlawed by his own people for angering another tribe, not even his family will protect him. Then a huge "woodbee" flies overhead, dropping gifts to Niwa’s tribe from pilot Nate Saint and the other members of a missions team hoping to share the Gospel with them. Alone and afraid, Niwa is excited by the prospect of outsiders who want to help him. He even wants to make friends with the mysterious strangers and convince his tribe that the people in the strange woodbee will not harm them. But when someone else from the tribe lies about the five men wanting to attack them, the whole village wants them dead—except for Niwa. Will he get there in time to stop the killing. In a tribe of killers, one boy longs for peace. . . .
  • The Chimney Sweep's Ransom

    Dave Jackson, Neta Jackson

    Paperback (Castle Rock Creative, Incorporated, June 24, 2016)
    THE CHIMNEY SWEEP'S RANSOM Introducing John Wesley Ned Carter, an eighteenth-century boy of thirteen, has been working in the dangerous coal mines in northern England since he was five. He desperately wants to save his little brother Pip from the same fate. Like so many poor English families of the day, even the young children of the Carter family must earn money to pay the bills. Now Pip is turning five and Ned must find a way to prevent his parents from sending Pip into the coal mines. But when Ned has an accident, Pip’s fate seems sealed—without Ned’s income, his father is sure to act. But instead of the mines, little Pip is "sold" to be trained as a chimney sweep. Before Ned can intervene, Pip has vanished—forever! Despite his injury, Ned determines he must find Pip and try to buy him back. But where has Pip been taken and how can Ned ever earn the ransom money without his father knowing it? What might the preacher, John Wesley, do on Pip’s behalf? Was no one there to care or to help?
  • Flight of the Fugitives: Introducing Gladys Aylward

    Dave Jackson, Neta Jackson

    Paperback (Castle Rock Creative, Incorporated, July 28, 2016)
    FLIGHT OF THE FUGITIVES Introducing Gladys Aylward Six-year-old Mei-en screamed in terror when she realized her gypsy owner was about to sell her to a foreign lady. Times were hard in the mountainous region of China in 1934, and orphans were often sold for pennies. But foreigners in China were considered "devils," and Mei-en thought surely the little woman in Chinese clothes would eat her for supper! But this time Mei-en’s new owner was the compassionate and respected missionary, Gladys Aylward. One day outside her new home, Mei-en saw wonderful silver "birds" flying in the sky—but her delight turned to dread when they began dropping bombs that exploded all over the city. Suddenly their lives, and those of nearly a hundred orphan children, were in terrible danger! With the enemy in hot pursuit, their only escape is over the mountains!
  • Kidnapped by River rats: Introducing William and Catherine Booth

    Dave Jackson, Neta Jackson

    Paperback (Castle Rock Creative, Incorporated, June 18, 2016)
    KIDNAPPED BY RIVER RATS Introducing William and Catherine Booth It is sometime during the 1880s, and Jack and Amy have come to London searching for their uncle. On their own without money, food, or shelter, they have nowhere else to turn. But what is the chance of finding him when they don’t even know where he lives? For the two youngsters, attempting to live on the streets is frightening, dangerous, and an opportunity for the worst elements of the city to take advantage of them. London society has become uncaring, even cruel, to the needy. Where can they find safety? When those strange Salvation Army people approach them on the street, should Jack and Amy run away? Can the General and Catherine Booth be trusted? What hope do Jack and Amy have when ruthless men come after them?
  • The Queen's Smuggler: Introducing William Tyndale

    Dave Jackson, Neta Jackson

    Paperback (Castle Rock Creative, Inc., June 7, 2016)
    THE QUEEN'S SMUGGLER Introducing William Tyndale Sarah Poyntz is the daughter of an English merchant who operates a shipping business from Antwerp, Belgium, in 1535. Her father is very interested in the ideas of William Tyndale, who has fled England as a condemned outlaw for refusing to stop his translation work of the English Bible. Tyndale believes that the Word of God should be read by the common people in their own language, a belief shared by the Poyntz family. But when Tyndale is captured and imprisoned, Sarah becomes the only hope for saving his fife. If she can successfully smuggle a copy of Tyndale’s New Testament into the hands of the king’s wife, Queen Anne, perhaps she can persuade him to spare Tyndale’s life. If Sarah’s desperate mission fails, her family is in peril of their lives. Will she have the courage to go through with it? Can Tyndale’s life be spared?
  • Trailblazers: Featuring William Tyndale and Other Christian Heroes

    Dave Jackson, Neta Jackson

    Paperback (Bethany House Publishers, July 1, 2009)
    Famous Bible translator William Tyndale paves the way for this new collection of Trailblazers heroes. In addition to Tyndale, the third volume includes Civil War hero Frederick Douglass, missionaries to China Jonathan and Rosalind Goforth and Gladys Aylward, and martyred pilot missionary Nate Saint.
  • Defeat of the Ghost Riders: Introducing Mary McLeod Bethune

    Dave Jackson, Neta Jackson

    Paperback (Castle Rock Creative, Incorporated, Aug. 23, 2016)
    DEFEAT OF THE GHOST RIDERS, Introducing Mary McLeod Bethune -- Eight-year-old Celeste Key is a mischievous girl who often gets herself into trouble. When her father’s blacksmith shop is burned to the ground by the Ku Klux Klan in 1904, the family decides they must leave town before someone gets killed. They move to Florida, where a woman named Mary McLeod Bethune offers them schooling for their children. Mary has started a school for black children—one of the first in the United States. Celeste is sent to Mary’s school against her will but soon finds herself enjoying what she’s learning. Everything seems to be going well—until men with white hoods over their heads burn a cross on the school property. Celeste is terrified of the Klan because of what happened in Georgia, yet Mary is a stubborn woman who refuses to let them intimidate her. Celeste wants to believe the Klan can be defeated, but will their threats turn into burning more than crosses? Freedom in a new state, but will it come with a price?