In a fast-paced mystery, Stevie Diamond, with the help of her neighbor, Jesse, begins searching for clues around their neighborhood as they tried to find the thief who stole Stevie's mother's money from their kitchen table.
While Stevie Diamond and Jesse Kulniki are being watched by Gertie Wiggins, Gertie disappears, and it is up to Stevie and Jesse to find her and save themselves from summer camp.
Stevie and her partner, Jesse, go to a tree-planting camp for the summer with hopes of finding exciting detective work, only to end up baby-sitting, but when the baby's house is ransacked, the mystery-solving duo eagerly begins the search for clues.
Twelve-year-old detectives Stevie and Jesse investigate the mysterious disappearance of their friend Gertie, an elderly actress preparing for an audition for a horror movie
Misha, Jesse Kulniki's sixteen-year old uncle, has been accused of stealing carnivorous plants from the Carnivore Club that Misha recently had joined, and Jesse and Stevie Diamond must prove that he is innocent.
Misha, Jesse Kulniki's sixteen-year-old uncle, has been accused of stealing carnivorous plants from the Carnivore Club that he has recently joined, and Jesse and Stevie Diamond must prove that he is innocent
When a thief steals money from her mom's Garbage Busters project, Stephanie, a sixth grader, identifies herself as "Stevie Diamond, Detective" and sets off to find the culprit
In a fact-paced mystery, Stevie Diamond, with the help of her neighbor, Jessie, begins searching for clues around their neighborhood as they try to find the thief who stole Stevie's mother's money from their kitchen table. Simultaneous.