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Books in The Emily Trilogy series

  • Emily Climbs: A Virago Modern Classic

    L. M. Montgomery

    Paperback (Virago, May 6, 2014)
    Emily never imagined Aunt Elizabeth would allow her to go to high school in Shrewsbury, and she's thrilled, especially as her close friends Ilse, Teddy and Perry will be there. But there are certain conditions: for the whole three years Emily must board with hateful Aunt Ruth, and she must promise to stop writing stories. To Emily, this is unthinkable, but she wants an education, and reluctantly agrees. With the move from her beloved home at New Moon to Aunt Ruth's house, Emily's world is turned upside down. Not only must she prove herself at school, despite rejection and jealousy, but she can no longer count on her friends. Her happy childhood friendships - especially with Teddy and Perry - start to turn into something more complicated and in a small-town, the merest hint of gossip can cause scandal.
  • Emily's Quest: A Virago Modern Classic

    L. M. Montgomery

    Paperback (Virago, May 6, 2014)
    There are two things in life Emily Starr is certain of - that she will be a great writer and that she and Teddy Kent were destined to be together. School is over and one by one her friends leave to follow their dreams, including Teddy, who goes to art school in Montreal. Emily chooses to stay at New Moon, and though she misses her friends, she knows the path of a writer is a solitary one.With each visit home Emily's friends seem more distant, especially Teddy. Desolate, but determined to hide her feelings, she throws herself into finishing her novel. When it is rejected, though, her confidence is shattered. To banish all thoughts of Teddy, Emily agrees to marry a man she doesn't love and give up on her dreams forever. But can she really have been so wrong about everything?
  • Emily of New Moon: A Virago Modern Classic

    L. M. Montgomery

    Paperback (Virago, May 6, 2014)
    Emily Starr has never known what it is to be unloved. But when her father dies, she is left in the care of her mother's family. Emily is a stranger to the proud Murrays, none of whom think they can cope with such a heartbroken, headstrong girl. They decide to draw lots for her, and Emily is sent to live at New Moon with stern Aunt Elizabeth, the head of the clan. Kind Aunt Laura and friendly, eccentric Cousin Jimmy also live at New Moon, though, so she is not without hope.Emily is enchanted by New Moon, but cannot believe she will ever belong there. With her lively imagination and dreams of being a famous writer, she seems to have a talent for scandalising her family. Before long, though, she has made firm friends: Ilse, a tomboy with a blazing temper, Teddy, an aspiring artist, and Perry, the ambitious houseboy. She brings so much life to New Moon, perhaps one day even Aunt Elizabeth will consider herself lucky to have 'won' Emily.
  • The Bane The Eden Trilogy

    Keary Taylor

    Paperback (Keary Taylor Books, )
  • Emily of New Moon

    L. M. Montgomery, Susan O'Malley

    MP3 CD (Blackstone on Brilliance Audio, Aug. 7, 2018)
    A delightful new heroine is introduced in this charming story by the author of Anne of Green Gables.Emily Starr had never known what it was to be lonely—until her beloved father died. In this, the first of the Emily novels, young Emily is orphaned and goes to live with her mother's snobbish relatives at New Moon Farm. Sure that she'll never be happy there, Emily endures her stern Aunt Elizabeth and malicious classmates by holding her head high and using her quick wit.But things begin to change as Emily makes several new friends. There is Teddy, who does marvelous drawings; Perry, who has sailed all over the world with his father and has never been to school; and Ilse, a tomboy with a blazing temper. Amazingly, Emily finds New Moon Farm beautiful and fascinating. With new friends and adventures, Emily might someday think of herself as Emily of New Moon.