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Books in The Dancer series

  • Making Moves

    Sean de Gallai

    Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, Feb. 23, 2018)
    The sequel to The Dancer. Steps From The Dark. Alex’s coming of age story continues with much excitement, anxiety, confusion and joy. After returning to her family in Kentucky, Alex realizes that she must try and help fix her family situation before it becomes dangerous. Time and time again she tries to help but nothing seems to work. Alex turns to the beautiful, gracious, ethereal movements of Irish dancing to help calm her mind and forget. And she falls in love with the artform.A trip back to Cleveland gives Alex the chance to see things in a new light. A chance encounter and some encouraging words from Irish Dancing Superstar Kal McGettigan gives her an idea. Alex returns to Kentucky and finds an Irish dance teacher and with one final push tries to fit all the pieces of the puzzle together. Soon she finds herself and her little brother Lucas back in Cleveland. But a new beginning must come at a price.How long will their new found safety last? What will Alex do now that she has found a strong friendship and makes great progress competing in Irish dancing? And what is Kal McGettigan’s big secret that he wants to reveal at the next major dance competition? A teen/Young Adult novel of passion, friendship, fear and excitement.
  • The Slave Dancer

    Paula Fox

    Paperback (Yearling, Dec. 2, 1990)
    Snatched from the docks of New Orleans, 13-year-old Jessie is thrown aboard a slave ship where he is sickened by the horrible practices of the slave business. But they are nothing compared to the one final horror that Jessie will witness. Can the cruelty be stopped before it’s too late?
  • The Dancer III

    Dale Stubbart

    (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, April 30, 2016)
    The Dancer available at Amazon, is a simple story of a young woman in love, a young woman who is trying to find out who she is. While the story is simple, the manner in which it unfolds is anything but. And sometimes the ride is so wild it has everyone, including the Author, hanging on to their seats.The Dancer starts on the Stage and that’s where it ends. In between, it goes to the beach, to an Artist’s Studio, to a Native Village. We come to understand that the Artist’s Studio and Native Village are other worlds.Will the Dancer find true love? Will she find her place in the World?In the second story, Dancer, a Chief, a Shaman, a God who is a horse, and Dancers other close friends must heal the holes that have developed between the worlds.In book three, The Dancer becomes the Dancer Magnifique and the story’s focus more on her daughter who is now The Dancer.In book four, The Dancer meets Salmon, her true love.Book five is Butterfly’s story (Salmon’s sister). Butterfly and The Dancer are best friends, until one day Butterfly suddenly disappears.Welcome to the wonderful, if somewhat strange and chaotic world of The Dancer.Series: 5 Books – Fantasy – Other Worlds – Love StoryAvg Length: 32 Pages – CondensedReading Ease: Very Easy; Reading Level: 5th GradeRating G / Maturity: General Audience; Target Audience – Everybody who is young at heart and who loves stories about those who are in love and about community.Longest Word: Uncomprehending