Describes the life and accomplishments of the British general known as "Gentleman Johnny," who took part in the first British invasion of the New York colony, surrendered his army at Saratoga, and returned to England to resume his career as a playwright.
Describes the life and accomplishments of the British general who surrendered his army at Yorktown, Virginia and later served as viceroy of Britain's colonies in India and Ireland.
Discusses the life and accomplishments of the woman who became a Revolutionary War heroine when she carried water to the soldiers at the Battle of Monmouth in 1778.
Details the life and accomplishments of the British general who ordered 700 soldiers to march to Concord to destroy the patriots' supplies and organized the British assault on Bunker Hull.
Describes the Massachusetts lawyer who helped write the Declaration of Independence and request help from other countries in America's fight against Britain, and later became the new nation's second president.
Profiles the French aristocrat who fought in America's Revolutionary War, describing his friendship with George Washington, his success in battle, and his years spent helping the cause of the poor in France.
Profiles the Rhode Island Quaker who joined the army to fight in the Revolutionary War and developed into one of the war's great generals in defeating the British.