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Books in Red Rocket Readers: Fluency Level 2: Turquoise series

  • Rice Is Nice

    John Lockyer

    Paperback (Flying Start Books, Aug. 8, 2006)
    Do you eat rice sometimes? What do you eat with the rice? What do you use to eat it? Rice belongs to the grass family, and it is grown in many countries of the world. People eat many different rice meals. What is your favourite rice meal?
  • Chester: Fluency

    John Lockyer, Kelvin Hawley

    Paperback (Flying Start Books, Aug. 8, 2006)
    Do you know that there are schools for dogs? Little puppies can be naughty and noisy. They have to learn how to behave. At Dog School they are taught to do what they are told. What things would a dog need to learn at Dog School?
  • Skateboarding: Fluency

    John Lockyer

    Paperback (Flying Start Books, May 26, 2008)
    Theres a lot more to riding a skateboard than just jumping on and whizzing along. Some skateboarders do special moves and tricks on their boards. Like surfers and skiers, they twist, turn, flip and jump. Skateboarders try not to fall off. Concrete is much harder than water or snow!
  • Swimming With Dolphins: Fluency

    Pam Holden, Harry Faulkner

    Paperback (Flying Start Books, Aug. 8, 2006)
    What would it be like to swim in the deep sea with the animals that live there? Dolphins are very clever, friendly animals. They often follow boats and they like to meet people. Would you like to swim with dolphins?
  • Surprise from the Sky: Fluency

    Pam Holden, Pauline Whimp

    Paperback (Flying Start Books, Sept. 14, 2005)
    Have you ever been to a small island? Charlie's Grandmother, Nan, lives on an island. What would it be like to live on an island? How would you get your food and clothes? What games would you be able to play there?
  • A Butterfly's Life: Fluency

    Pam Holden

    Paperback (Flying Start Books, Aug. 8, 2006)
    What is a life cycle? A butterfly goes through four stages in its life. It changes into something different each time. It starts as a tiny egg, and later it becomes a chrysalis. More changes happen inside the chrysalis, until at last a beautiful butterfly is ready to fly away.
  • First Flight: Fluency

    John Lockyer

    Paperback (Flying Start Books, Aug. 8, 2006)
    Every year, hundreds of millions of people travel by plane from one part of the world to another. Today people can eat, sleep, and watch movies on a plane. They can be in the air for hours. The first plane that ever flew had no cabin, no seats, two propellors, two wings and only a small engine. It stayed in the air for just 12 seconds!
  • Hunting for Treasure: Fluency

    Pam Holden, Pauline Whimp

    Paperback (Flying Start Books, Sept. 14, 2005)
    Grandpa hid some treasure for Charlie to find, then he gave him clues. Grandpa told Charlie he was cold when he was far away from the hidden treasure. Then he told him that he was getting warm when Charlie went closer. Stickybeak the parrot told him when he was getting hot.
  • Message from Camp: Fluency

    Pam Holden, Philip Webb

    Paperback (Flying Start Books, Sept. 14, 2005)
    Have you ever been camping in a tent? Where did you go? What was it like at the camp? These children went camping with their uncle, while Aunty stayed at home. How could they send her a message when they were camping far away?
  • Message by Balloon: Fluency

    Pam Holden, Robin Van't Hof

    Paperback (Flying Start Books, Aug. 8, 2006)
    Have you seen a weather vane? It shows which way is north, so that we know which way the wind is blowing. Do you know which way is south and east and west? Can you point to north?
  • All Kinds of Clothes: Fluency

    Pam Holden

    Paperback (Flying Start Books, Aug. 8, 2006)
    We all need different clothes at different times, depending on the weather and what we are doing. What do you wear when you go to a party? What clothes do you need for sports? Which clothes do you like best? Why?
  • First Cars: Fluency

    Julie Ellis

    Paperback (Flying Start Books, May 26, 2008)
    Did you know that there were no cars in the world until about 150 years ago? People rode in carriages pulled by strong horses. Then clever inventors found some ways to make carriages that moved without horses. They tried many kinds of engines and carriages before the first real car was invented.