Introduces the country's major stock indexes, including the Dow and the S&P 500, describes how each index works and how advances in technology have changed how they function.
Presents a history of the Federal Reserve, discussing how the central bank came about, what its purpose is, and its role in the Great Recession of 2007-2010.
"Money Makes the World Go Round." But what happens when the value of your money falls relative to foreign currencies? Find out in this book that explains currencies, their functions, and strategies used by the government and the central bank to regulate a currency's value and maintain the economy.
Describes deflation, including how it works, its impact on individuals and businesses, and its relationship to the Great Depression and the recession that began in 2008.
Describes the stock market, including how it works, its positive and negative effects, and its relationship to the Great Depression and the recession that began in 2008.
Discusses the responsibilities of the two United Nations entities, which include surveilling the economic policies of member countries, promoting stable exchange rates, and providing emergency assistance.
Explains how the venture capital industry helps small start-up businesses become billion-dollar companies, using the success stories of Amazon and Facebook as examples, and discusses the economic growth dilemma.
Discusses the history of the gold standard, how it affects the daily exchange rates and valuations of currency throughout the world, and the future of the gold standard in the world economy.